
Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty!

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Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Bonnie and Mahesh Chavda

Editor’s Note: Today’s message from Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda was published in the most recent edition of their Prophetic Perspective newsletter as a message to their friends and partners. I believe it is a powerful prophetic word for us all.

Bonnie and Mahesh Chavda
In recent days the Lord has been bringing back to us a prophetic word He gave us previously. He is saying that we are to “wake up Sleeping Beauty.” Originally, it was the seed for a great miracle in the life of dear friends of ours, waking a “sleeping beauty” from a diabetic coma, restoring her back to life after doctors pronounced her brain-dead and advised the family to remove her life support.

One word from the glory—”Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!”—was all it took to release the resurrection power into the intensive care unit (ICU). The young woman walked out of the hospital three days later, pushing her nurse in a wheelchair!

Miracles are tokens that speak of a bigger strategy, and in the last few weeks the Lord has been quickening this word to us again in the context of our nation, the church and our national heritage. He confirms His word with signs and wonders, and in the last month we have received five similar, dramatic miracles of people awakening out of comas.

Here is just one of them, which came to us after a couple watched a DVD of Mahesh Chavda Ministries’ Rend the Heavens conference:

“Matt is a professional sport rider for a snowmobile company [who participated] in racing events, films, etc. Matt and his machine were caught in a huge avalanche, and he was thrown from the sled. His body, tumbling thousands of feet down the mountain, hit trees and rocks as it fell. He was buried in the tons of snow surging down behind him.

“Matt’s injuries were horrendous, the most obvious being a shattered leg, broken ribs, shattered facial bones, severe back injuries and a blood clot in the main artery leading to the brain. He was comatose, completely unresponsive and on life support. That evening, his mother called, saying the doctors had told them there was no hope, short of a miracle, that Matt would survive. There was no reason, doctors said, to begin repairing the devastation his body had sustained.

“We prayed, calling him back to life, as did many others at that time. The next morning his mother called. She was thrilled—someone had noticed Matt move one foot, seemingly in response to a touch or a voice. A skeptical doctor came when called and was surprised to confirm that Matt was actually responding, though in a very limited and unpredictable way. The state of coma was still profound. It continued for weeks.

“We received another urgent call for prayer as Matt was returned to ICU with pneumonia and other complications. That night in class we watched the DVD of the [Rend the Heavens] conference and heard Mahesh tell the ‘Sleeping Beauty’ story of the comatose girl. At the end of that testimony Mahesh gave a word that someone in the audience had a relative or friend in a coma whom the Lord wanted to heal, and instructed that person to stand. He even spoke of someone watching by recorded media who knew someone in a coma.

“My husband and I were sitting across the room from each other. We looked at each other in astonishment at this word and instantly stood to our feet in the classroom. Our class prayed according to Mahesh’s leading, calling ‘Sleeping Beauty’ to awaken.

“The next day, I got a call from my friend, who was ecstatic—her son had awakened from his coma! Matt is home now, working hard to complete his recovery. Given the force of the accident and the extent of his injuries, it is a wonder that Matt is alive. That he awoke from his coma, wasn’t paralyzed, and can walk and function with anything near normalcy is an absolute miracle, a powerful testimony to the power of God!”

My friends, this testimony is alive. Step into it and receive it right now. It doesn’t apply just to comatose people, but to anything that is on the verge of dying—whether it be a business, a relationship or finances! You can speak to it, “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!”

Step into the vibration of faith and glory that comes from His presence, and become a carrier of signs, wonders and miracles. You can release the healing word and power of God in every aspect of your life, your family, your church and your nation! This is the believer’s mandate—the “Go” of the gospel given in the Great Commission (see Matt. 28:19).

God is always with us. We are filled with the same Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. We are carriers of His glory and have been anointed to extend His kingdom through signs, wonders and miracles.

One of our first obligations at this time is to pray. God is raising up a mighty army of watchmen, awake and ready to arise that His glory might shine on the earth in the midst of great darkness.

There may be areas in your life and in our nation that you look at and say, “Comatose!” The experts may be saying, “Let’s pull the plug.” But God wants you to stand as intercessors to welcome the Holy Spirit and battle against powers and principalities. He wants you to say with conviction to the “sleeping” things, “Wake up!”

We believe that the shofar is blowing for another great awakening and that the Lord is speaking to His church, to this nation and to the nations, “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!” We are praying for God’s mercy and restoration of our country’s godly heritage, for a turn-around in our economy and for a great awakening across our land.

The history of the United States—and the world—in 2009 and beyond will be shaped by believers who will humble themselves in fasting and prayer. We invite you to be one of them.

Remember, you are a carrier of the glory!

About the authors: Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda lead a worldwide apostolic ministry, proclaiming Christ’s kingdom with power, equipping believers for ministry and ushering in God’s revival glory. With over three decades of experience, the Chavdas have led more than 1 million people to Christ and have seen thousands of healings, including documented healings from terminal diseases such as AIDS. They have also prayed for and witnessed the resurrection from the dead. Authors of numerous bestselling books, Mahesh and Bonnie are co-founders and senior pastors of All Nations Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia (www.maheshchavda.com). Their television program, The Watch, is presently broadcast to a billion households globally.

The Chavdas invite you to join them in a corporate 40-day fast for global awakening from September 8 through October 17. For more information on this fast and their upcoming Prophetic Fire Conference to be held Sept. 17-20, visit their Web site.

Prophetic Insight is a weekly bulletin offering timely and relevant messages for the body of Christ from recognized prophetic voices. It is prepared by Maureen Eha, features editor for Charisma magazine. You can follow her on Twitter at MaureenEha. And please spread the good news by sending this e-newsletter to your friends.

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