
Prophetic Word: The Lord Wants You to Use Your Voice to Advance the Kingdom

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Joe Joe Dawson

I was in a time of prayer recently when the Lord began to speak to me about becoming a voice. I believe this word was not just for me but for many in the body of Christ in this hour.

As the Lord spoke to me about becoming a voice, He revealed to me that our voice is not just about our words, but also about the influence God has given each of us. You may never preach or teach for the people God has placed in your realm of influence; your voice may be the way you carry yourself and how you live your life. Your lifestyle and character can be much louder than your voice or your words when you are called to impact people.

I don’t care who you are, where you are or what you do for a living, God has called you to impact those around you. You have a voice! You may look around you and think you have no influence, but you do.

Never underestimate how God may use you as a voice into other people’s lives to advance His kingdom. If you are a believer, you are called to make an impact. Never discredit what or who God has placed in front of you. God will use you to influence the atmosphere and people around you. You may be the only chance some have to encounter God. Let the Lord use you as a voice to draw people to Himself!

You have a voice, and you have influence; use them for the kingdom of God. The Lord is looking for those who will pour into those around them; offering discernment, wisdom and guidance that only someone walking with Him can offer others. Parents, you should be the voice in your children’s lives!

God is calling parents to raise their children with an awareness and understanding of His ways. Be the voice in your children’s lives. Don’t depend on teachers, pastors or other influences in your children’s lives to guide them. You are the most important voice in your children’s lives. God has equipped you to protect, lead, teach and guide your children into the plans God has for them.

As you become a voice and God elevates your level of influence, you will need to find voices to speak into your life that you can trust. Find those that are full of character and integrity who have walked with the Lord through many seasons and give them a voice into your life. Each of us needs other voices to give us wisdom, pray for us and help us on our journey toward our destiny.

You will not complete your purpose or have the impact God has called for you to have if you do not seek out and listen to the right godly voices. Be careful to what and whom you listen. Ask the Lord for greater discernment, and you will be a voice He uses to influence those to whom He has called you.

Get ready to become a voice that advances the kingdom of God. God is about to elevate and amplify those whose voices are pure and those who carry His heart and His power to those around them! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. He is the author of Kingdom Mindset, Destiny Dimension, Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

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