
Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Am Looking for Lightning Rods’

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Joe Joe Dawson

Recently in a time of worship at our church, the Lord spoke to me and said, “I’m looking for kingdom lightning rods.” After several days of prayer and study, I received revelation about what the Lord meant by this.

In the natural, a lightning rod absorbs the shock and intense heat that a bolt of lightning releases when it strikes. A natural lightning rod protects the buildings or structures around it from being destroyed by the lightning when it hits. I believe the Lord is looking for spiritual lightning rods that can be trusted to receive the revelation and insight that God wants to release within the earth without being destroyed.

In my many years of ministry, I have encountered many gifted and passionate people who lack integrity or spiritual maturity. When these individuals are prematurely promoted or elevated, they are often derailed because they lack the character or internal fortitude to maintain the position, they may find themselves in. God does not want to release His power to someone that cannot handle it rightly.

This is why the Lord is looking for lightning rods in this hour. God is raising up those who are spiritually mature, full of humility and have pure hearts to be able to use them as lightning rods in this season.

God has so much power, revelation and insight that He wants to release into the earth but He will send it through His kingdom lightning rods. Those who are prepared and equipped to carry and release the power and revelation that God releases will be like lightning rods planted in regions and different spheres of influence to advance the kingdom of God with great humility.

Someone who is a kingdom lightning rod will be able to act as a conduit for what God releases into the earth without being prideful or selfish. A kingdom lightning rod knows and remembers that their gifts, talents and abilities all come from God and are not about them. The Lord will use those that will give Him all the glory whenever He moves through them.

There is a lightning bolt of God’s revelation and power that will be sent through those He can trust to impact the earth in this season. Will you be one of those kingdom lightning rods God uses?

Many will act as a lightning rod in intercession to push back the plans of the enemy and see the will of God come forth for individuals and situations they are interceding for. Some will be used as a lightning rod in their workplaces and families to release the kingdom of God into anyone and any circumstance they may encounter. In this season, be ready, be humble and lean into what the Holy Spirit may be asking you to do.

God wants to use you to be a kingdom lightning rod, a trusted conduit for His power to flow through, so get ready! {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. He is the author of Kingdom Mindset, Destiny Dimension, Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

For the original article, visit joejoedawson.net.

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