
Prophetic Word: The Beginning of the Restoration of Bridal Love

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Amy Sutherland

This morning while in the middle of an encounter with the Lord, I heard very clearly “I am redeeming every part of your being” and “no longer will you remember the shame of your youth.”

I physically felt the Lord’s passionate fire manifesting on my body, with waves of laugher following, and throughout the encounter intimate, great depths of joy vibrated over my being. Truly the Lord’s words are pure, living and active.

I immediately knew this was not only a personal encounter, but symbolically He is removing shame off His bride in this hour in its deepest layer that she may experience a greater depth of attachment to His heart.

The Spirit of the Lord is saying there is a new level of healing for all in the body of Christ, even “the healed.” As I sat with the Spirit on this, I saw many who had been healed in the sense of there was no sign of reaction or trauma. You had done the work on your end in the Spirit and in the natural.

But in the Spirit, the Lord said, “I am redeeming you, every part, the places that have left you with questions, lack of understanding and wonderment.” His blood has bought every place of you, even covering your experiences and that which you have not understood about yourself for the purpose of trusting His touch, that He may remain in you and you in Him; oneness. “Do not fear, for your shame is no more. Do not be embarrassed, for you will not be disgraced. You will forget the inadequacy you felt in your youth and will no longer remember the shame of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband; his name is Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies! Your Kinsman-Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel! He has the title Mighty God of All the Earth!” (Isa. 54:4-5, TPT).

As the Lord was speaking, I could feel warm oil in my right ear. Two days prior, He was speaking to me about oneness when I felt this same warm oil in my ear. I was driving on the highway when I heard and felt an acceleration in the Spirit; I could feel a brief moment of gripping, almost a resistance, but in the next moment, there was a thrusting forward.

There has been a “shifting back to go forward” for many, and it is for the building of momentum for acceleration. I was experiencing this while looking up at an exit that I was passing, exit 111. Immediately I knew this meant the Spirit was accelerating oneness with Him. I felt the Lord speaking so specifically that I voice texted to document, and the exact time was 12:58 p.m.

When I asked the Lord about the time stamp, He showed me that it was two minutes before 1; in other words, “the two becoming one.” “Marriage is the beautiful design of the Almighty, a great mystery of Christ and his church” (Eph. 5:32).

On my return home on the same highway, at 3:16 p.m. I felt the hot oil in my right ear, I looked over and saw exit 99. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the parable of the lost sheep, leaving the 99 to go after the 1 found in Matthew 18 and Luke 15. He then highlighted the time stamp again with John 3:16 (AMPC), “For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trust in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.”

I saw a new side of the parable: the begotten one going after the one to be one. The Holy Spirit then highlighted that shepherds will anoint their sheep with oil. This oil acts as a protective barrier and will even prevent death.

I believe the Lord is saying that He is redeeming all of His bride; He is anointing her ears for deeper trust as a protective barrier, while the oil also guards what He is depositing in the secret place, and in the secret place He is anointing her with His oil of gladness (Isa. 61:1-3).

Psalm 133 likens oil with unity. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:10 that we are to be empowered through our union with Christ. Our intimate union with Christ is not only experienced at the marriage supper of the Lamb, though can be accessed now as the Lord is inviting us into His inner chamber where the Lamb is pouring out His oil to prepare, restore and redeem His bride.

This is the beginning of the restoration of bridal love. A couple of months ago I had a dream where I was a married to a minister. I knew this was symbolic as the Lord has often used me symbolically as a picture of “His bride,” and I didn’t recognize the woman as looking like myself in the dream. We were standing on a slightly raised platform with our congregation, worshippers all surrounding us in a crowd. I leaned in to kiss him, and it was if I had forgotten how sweet it was so I kissed him again, and then a third time.

Typically, this is not the kiss you see in church “on display”; however, it was not inappropriate. Again, the number three representing the Spirit, this was a dream representing the reawakening of bridal love, so that in unity, “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come” (Rev. 22:17a, MEV).

The Lord is saying, this is the return of public displays of affection. The bride will affectionately show her love for her husband in renewed covenant. The church is becoming aware of the missing affection in the relationship, and pure public displays are going to be demonstrated by the leading of the Spirit.

She will fall in love with her husband again and will recognize and call Him her beloved. “Let him soother me with kisses—His Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine! Your presence releases a fragrance so pleasing—over and over poured out. For your lovely name is ‘Flowing Oil.’ No wonder the brides-to-be adore you. Draw me into your heart. We will run away together into the king’s cloud-filled chamber.” (Song 1:2-4, TPT).

Amy Sutherland is the founder of Ablaze Global Productions, a production company formed from her dual call to minister to the church and the unreached around the globe. Investing years in ministry and the entertainment industry, she has had the opportunity to develop her gifts in a unique way for such as time as this, from award-winning actress and producer to speaking and ministering prophetically worldwide, she desires to awaken and make ready a fiery bride for her King. Amy is a graduate of Marilyn Hickey Bible College and Iris Harvest School of Missions (Africa).

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