
Prophetic Word: Reroute Unfruitful Efforts to Find Favor and Blessings

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Joe Joe Dawson

Recently in a time of prayer, the Lord spoke one word to me: “reroute.”

He wanted to show me what exactly He was talking about. As I took an assessment of several different business situations and ministry circumstances I personally have in the works, I asked the Lord to show me what needed to be rerouted.

As I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit, I began to reposition and redirect different things in those areas. Then the favor and blessing of the Lord suddenly began to flow in the areas where things had been stagnant or unfruitful.

There were also several things not producing fruit comparable to the amount of time and effort I was giving them. I shifted my focus and energy to several different areas I felt the Lord highlighting and immediately started seeing results. This is when I knew this word was not just for me but for every person in the body of Christ. Each of us must be willing to reroute different things in our lives to get into alignment with what God has for us in this season. In order to do this, we must lean in and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to each of us!

Many times, when we think about allowing the Holy Spirit to flow freely, we think about it in the context of a church service or revival meeting. But what the Holy Spirit was showing me through this word “reroute” was that He wants to have that same kind of access and freedom in every area of our lives! Just as we leave room and space in a service to allow the Holy Spirit to do whatever He wants to do, we should also invite Him to do this in our families, relationships, business adventures, ministry opportunities and in everything we do.

Being led by the Spirit can sometimes mean making simple or small adjustments that redirect or reroute us to move forward into God’s plans for us. Just as a chiropractor makes small adjustments to realign your entire body, when we are obedient to take those small adjustments from the Holy Spirit, we find ourselves in perfect alignment with Him. And when you are in perfect alignment with the Lord, you will see His kingdom invade absolutely everything you do.

I believe the Lord is leading His remnant in the body of Christ to do great exploits for Him in this hour. If I have said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, but I believe the greatest days for the church are ahead and not behind. We are about to see a major breakthrough and kingdom turnaround in America!

To step into our kingdom assignment as a part of what God is about to do, we must be willing to take the reroute, redirection and repositioning the Holy Spirit asks of us. In this hour, God is looking for those who will listen for and obey His specific instructions. My friends, spend extra time in prayer and in the Word of God. Leaning in to hear from the Lord is so critical right now.

If we want to see the powerful move of God that I know is coming, and be a part of it, then we must reroute. {eoa}

For the original article, visit joejoedawson.net.

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. He is the author of Kingdom Mindset, Destiny Dimension, Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

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