
Prophetic Word for 2012: Revival Begins With You

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Jennifer LeClaire



While I was praying over 2012, I received impressions about many
things—some warnings and some promises. But what burned most on my heart
to share with the masses wasn’t a list of predictions or a prophetic
directive. What burned most on my heart to share are four simple words:
Revival begins with you.

We yearn to see signs, wonders and
miracles manifest today as they did in the book of Acts, don’t we? But
are we willing to pay the price the early church paid? Are we willing to
die to self? Are we willing to relinquish control to the Holy Spirit so
He can move like He wants to move? Are we willing to repent for the
character flaws that hold us back? Are we willing to walk in love and
unity with true believers who don’t believe exactly the same as we do?
Are we willing to war against the spirit of compromise that is raging
against the church in this age? Revival begins with you.

The book
of Acts never fails to fascinate me. It is the Holy Ghost in action, the
gifts of the Spirit made manifest, a charismatic believer’s delight.
Indeed, many of us want to see the Holy Ghost move in the church—and in
the world—like that again. Well, I beseech you to consider these four
words: Revival begins with you.

Sure, we see a ration of revival spring up from time to time. We see a
measure of the miraculous. We see demons cast out, in the name of
Jesus. But it doesn’t compare to the book of Acts, does it? Revival
begins with you.

Despite 24/7 prayer movements that bear plenty of
fruit, we don’t see people waiting to stand in our shadows hoping to
get healed. Despite the apostolic movement (and the thousands of
Christians who call themselves apostles), we rarely see people raised
from the dead. Despite large stadiums of sincere people repenting in
tears before the Lord for the sins of generations, we are yet a far cry
from the reality of the book of Acts. Revival begins with you.

can’t do the Lord’s part—we can’t force miracles, signs and wonders. But
we can do our part—we can tear down the strongholds in our own souls
that are preventing us from walking in the fullness of the Spirit. We
can stop tolerating spirits that tempt us to sin. We can start
interceding for the fallen saints instead of playing judge. In other
words, we can start living like the saints lived in the book of Acts:
sold out, on fire and ready to die for the gospel. Revival begins with

Again, we can’t manufacture miracles. We can’t work up
wonders. But we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit to separate the
profane from the holy in our own hearts and in our own minds. We can
purge ourselves and lay aside every weight that holds us back. We can
allow the Spirit of God to do a deep work in us and so the Spirit of God
can do a great work through us. Revival begins with you—and me.

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Heart of the Prophetic. You can email Jennifer at

[email protected] or visit her website here.

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