
Prophetic Warning: It’s Time to Purge the Prophetic of the Counterfeited Counterfeit

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Dawn Hill

As a young Christian, I remember driving by establishments featuring the words, “psychics” and “tarot cards” in glowing neon in windows and storefronts, and I remember, for lack of a better word, feeling agitated at the sight of these places. I was not agitated with the individuals operating in this realm so much as I was the very existence of this perversion of the prophetic. Looking back, I understand that my agitation was in large part a reaction to this counterfeit of the prophetic ministry, and it was tied to my calling as a prophetic voice.

Imagine my surprise and naivete when I discovered and continue to discover that this counterfeit realm operates among those who profess to know Jesus Christ, and sadly, many are deceived by darkness masquerading as light. I do not pretend to believe that this is a pleasant word. What is to follow is a difficult word, but it is an issue that must be addressed in the body of Christ, and my goal is to share the truth of the Word of God and the heart of the Father on the matter. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and we need Him to guide us into all truth (2 Corinthians 3:17, John 16:13).

The Counterfeited Counterfeit

In our current spiritual climate, there are many things occurring in the name of revival and Jesus Christ. Some things are within our comfort zone and understanding while other things really stretch us and challenge us. I do not pretend to have all the answers. However, when there are professed Christians taking tools utilized by the kingdom of darkness and morphing them into tools with a similar purpose but a different branding, that is a slippery slope racing to the finish line of witchcraft while preaching another Christ.

As I meditated on some things swirling in the prophetic climate right now involving this very thing, the words “counterfeited counterfeit” came to me. According to Merriam-Webster, counterfeit is “something made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive.” The only things counterfeited are things of value. This is why the devil counterfeits the prophetic with such things as psychics, necromancers, horoscopes, tarot cards, astroprojection, and so on. He understands the value of authentic prophetic ministry and the office of a genuine prophet, and when the body of Christ shies away from the spirit of prophecy, he is glad to oblige the longing of people to experience the supernatural, even if it a perversion of the real deal.

The problem now is the darkness pervading the prophetic through those who willingly use the same tools with a different spin on them. Emotions and the soulish realm gauge the authenticity of the encounter instead of the gauge being the Word of God. It is a skewed form of godliness, but denying its power (2 Tim. 3:5). The power is not in the prophecy itself, but the relationship with Jesus Christ and the revelation of His heart. What happens when those professing to be part of the body of Christ counterfeit the imitation? The result is a counterfeit of a counterfeit. The result is another step away from the right Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The result is people without proper discernment being led astray by those who are also without proper discernment. A tainted prophetic flow gives the enemy what he has always wanted from the beginning: worship and exaltation.

Cleansing the Prophetic Flow Through the Word

The Lord desires a pure prophetic flow from His bride. Cleansing comes by the washing of water with the Word (Eph. 5:26). The Holy Spirit is the living water that should flow out of us. Understand that in the body of Christ, we are to judge within the church (1 Cor. 5:12). It is contradictory to the Word of God to say otherwise. We are to examine the fruit of a professed believer’s life and judge it according to the Word of God. We are called upon to not believe every spirit but to test the spirits and to determine if the spirit is of God (1 John 4:1).

2 Corinthians 11:4 speaks of tolerating another Jesus or a different spirit or gospel than the one proclaimed by the true apostles. This is disturbing, and this is what is happening in the body when tools of the devil are welcomed into the place reserved for the Lord. Strange fire ensues, and division comes on the embers of divination. God wants His body operating in unity of the faith and of the knowledge of His Son. He wants us mature and not carried off by every wind of doctrine tainted with human cunning and deceitful schemes (Eph. 4:13-14).

As prophetic people, we must operate in a pure flow. We must reclaim what the enemy has perverted while using wisdom and proper discernment to not muddy the waters with his schemes and devices. We are mandated to manifest the kingdom of God. We are not mandated to counterfeit the darkness in the name of Christ. There is no inheritance in another Christ. I urge you in this hour to pray and intercede for those who are deceived by the tools of the devil, especially those who claim to know Jesus Christ. Pray that a holy conviction would come upon those who are seduced by the angel of light. Search your own heart and ask the Lord to cleanse you and to reveal any area of deception. I believe that a cleansing is upon the body of Christ, particularly the prophetic voices, and this cleansing only comes through the Word of God and the blood of Jesus. Holy Spirit, guide us into all truth! {eoa}

Dawn Hill is a Christ-follower and a freelance writer. She writes a blog called “Lovesick Scribe.”

This article originally appeared at lovesickscribe.com.

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