
Prophetic Vision: God Is Hitting a Divine Reset Button for His People

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Ana Werner

Many of us are finding ourselves in a season right now of unusual timing of the Lord. We would step back and look at what is shifting and changing, and think, God, why now of all the times?

It really is the Lord at work.

Let me encourage you, what doesn’t feel like the best timing for God to be birthing something new through you, transitioning you from one thing to the next, putting another assignment on you when you feel like you have enough, and stretching you beyond what you think you can handle—is absolutely the Lord!

We are in a season of major accelerated transition right now. The sooner you can jump in and agree with the transition instead of resisting it, the better.

Take a moment and look at Joseph of the Bible. He had a dream that literally saved his family’s life and caused him to rapidly respond to the direction of the Lord.

“Joseph had another dream. An angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Get up now and flee Egypt..” .. So that very night he got up and took Jesus and his mother and made their escape to Egypt” (Matt. 2:13b-14, TPT).

Look at his response! I often overlook this part of Jesus’ story. Jesus’ parents’ quick willingness and obedience to the voice of God gave birth to and protected the destiny of Jesus.

Your simple obedience to God in this hour will birth the promise of God on your life. This morning, as I was pressing in to hear the Lord’s voice on a few matters, He took me into an encounter. I saw the Lord’s footprints walking before me in a grassy field. “One step forward. Keep trusting me even though you can’t see how it will all come to pass,” I heard Him say.

“Keep trusting Me, even though you can’t see how it will all come to pass.”

God is hitting a divine reset button for many of us. Although the transition feels like the wrong timing, the Lord is behind it all. Press in to hear His voice; keep walking forward; find Him in the midst of it all and embrace the reset. {eoa}

Ana Werner and her husband, Sam reside in Missouri with their two beautiful children, and are the associate directors of the Heartland Healing Rooms in Lees Summit. Ana travels internationally and equips people to see in the Spirit, move in the prophetic, and experience healing and deliverance through her ministry. Her transparency as she shares the realities and experiences she has had in Heaven, brings the Holy Spirit, the love of the Father, and the power of God into the room when she speaks. Ana is passionate about leading people into encountering Jesus’ heart.

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