
Prophetic Dream: God Is Releasing His Terms

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Wendy M. Allen

I had a dream in June. I was looking at the earth as a whole, as from space, and I had this feeling I was about to see something important.

Suddenly I saw an enormous angel looking over the earth. The earth looked like the size of a beach ball in comparison to the angel’s size and stature. He looked like a gladiator dressed in warrior attire. He had an open book in his hand, and he looked at me and slapped the open book and declared “Release the Terms.”

It sounded like thunder! And he slapped the book two more times and said, “I’m releasing the terms!” Suddenly, I knew this angel was sent to release the terms for the new era.

I began to pray and ask the Lord, “What does this mean?”

He didn’t answer me right away. About a month later after this dream, He began to speak to me and say, “These terms are for the new era.” He said, “Beginning in the month of August, I am going to flip the switch, turn the page, raise the roof and pull back the covers. There will be a full slot of seeing, exposing and downloads of what you’ve needed to see and know.”

I believe the Lord is speaking this in several ways. I believe details will be uncovered and released; plans and conditions downloaded. The Lord is also saying, “Watch Me begin to uncover things in America where the distractions have been. Some things are going to get exposed in the political sphere; plots and plans of the enemy are going to be uncovered. You are going to see some leaders who will look as if they got enlightened, got revelation, got smart or had a total mind shift overnight.

“I’m turning the lights on,” declares the Lord. “Watch and see.”

The wheels of heaven that have seemed motionless are now going full speed ahead. I heard the Lord joyfully laugh when He said, “Just try to keep up with Me! Everywhere you turn, you will see Me move from here to over there.” Then He said to me, “Wendy, tell them I’m not coming part time or even half time, but full time!”

I felt such a powerful anointing of joy exploding in my spirit with these words. Then He said, “Many of My ones who are pioneering the new era church are going to be given chariot wheels of fire!” When He spoke that, I could see it in a vision before me, Holy Ghost fire coming from the mouths of those who have been prepared for such a time as this. I knew that many have long waited for this time and were born for this time of revival. I could see fire that had been shut up in their bones for years finally coming forth with great passion, accuracy and power manifested.

“But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones” (Jer. 20:9b). August is just the beginning; it’s page one into the new.

Release the terms! Release the terms! That resounded in my head again as He continued to speak and said to me, “This is the beautiful chaos I’ve been preparing many for.”

“But as it is written, ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9).

I felt deeply in my heart that so many, including myself, almost gave up thinking this time would happen. Then I felt the Father’s heart and compassion for those who have held on by even a very small thread. I could feel the excitement and joy coming from the Father. Taste and see what He has been long preparing for us all.

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him” (Ps. 34:8).

Encounters are coming with the eyes and the mouth! This is where the intimacy is, with the eyes and the mouth. Some of you are going to lock eyes with Jesus for the very first time and some as you never have before. From these encounters, some of you are going to see and hear His mouth speak words that will shift your entire being and your DNA.

“Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes” (1 Sam. 12:16). Some of you ate the scroll of complacency that the enemy offered you. But He is now going to cause you to be so dissatisfied with complacency, and you will now eat the scroll of desperation.

I grew up hearing the whippoorwills as a kid. To this day, I live in the country, and it’s a sound I thoroughly enjoy. Even though the whippoorwills I heard as a kid are not the same whippoorwills that I hear today, they still make the same familiar sound.

It reminded me of the sound of John the Baptist cry in Mark 1:3 “Prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight,” preparing the way for Jesus.

I believe this new era is preparation for us to move into the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ again. It will be a familiar resound for the new era. John the Baptist walked alone on a very narrow path. I believe there will be many who rise up with the hearts and passion like John. “The voice of him who cries out, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness, make straight in the desert a highway for our God” (Isa. 40:3).

There is no looking back now. He is releasing the terms. Get ready to explain this to those who envy the anointing you will carry in this new season of your life. The sacrifices of cutting away more flesh and doing away with certain worldly pleasures will be required of you. Pray and fast and ask the Lord what is required of you.

The anointing is carried in the obedience for doing all that He says and asks. This is what I believe is part of the terms and conditions “in releasing the terms”: a sacrificial lifestyle to carry such an anointing.

One last strong message He reminded me of came from another dream He gave me about two years ago. It was not to lose focus when He releases the new. Regardless of what was going on around us, we need to keep our eyes fixed on Him and to stick to the mission He has set us to and be faithful with it.

In the dream, He even warned me some will walk alone on a very narrow path and He repeated, “keep your eyes on Me.”

“And it will be for you a tassel, and you will see it, and you will remember all the commandments of the Lord, and you will do them, and you will not follow the lust of your own heart and your own eyes. So shall you remember and do all My commandments, and be holy to your God” (Num. 15:39-40). {eoa}

Wendy M. Allen is a prophetic voice for The Climb LLC and Jesus Loves the Children Ministries. She and her husband, Billy Allen, together co-pastor a new era church in New Boston, Texas, called The Climb. Wendy’s and her husband’s heart is to crown people with their identity in Christ. They have a prophetic birthing anointing, pioneering a new move of God in their area and have a heart for marriages, youth and orphans.

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