
Prophecy: We Must Intercede Against Curses, Spells, Lying Spirits Attacking Our Government

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Vince Viozzi

“So we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us” (2 Cor. 5:20a).

“For our fight is … against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore … in the evil day … stand” (Phil. 6:12-13).

I heard the Lord saying this:

“I Am releasing My kingdom ambassadors with an increased level of authority. There is a work that I desire to do on the earth, and I will do it through a people who are wholly submitted and committed to Me. These are the ones whom I have been preparing for long periods of time, who have faithfully waited upon Me so that they will be fully equipped and developed in their gifts and in their spirits for this very hour, to reach the lost and to demonstrate My power in the earth to a lost, dying and also rebellious world.

“A great army of Spirit-empowered believers is about to be released upon the earth, especially in the United States. I have been hiding them for a long period of time to be presented for such a time as this. They are elite warriors who have given of themselves to the school of My Spirit in order to be properly trained for this particular season. They have been in the incubator of My womb, being fearfully and wonderfully made to be an authoritative force upon the earth, for such a time as this.”

Floods and Fires in the US

This summer has been quite unusual and volatile for many in the U.S. As my good friend and mentor prophet Bill Yount said, it is the “year of the bull ride!” This much has been true for sure, with the unusual weather patterns on the East Coast resulting in much flooding as well as the destructive fires on the West Coast.

I started to take notice that the storms were coming straight up the coast from Florida on up through New York and beyond. This would normally only happen when a major hurricane would hit Florida and come up the coast. We would experience a few days of heavy rain and localized flooding, but then it would go out to sea and we would clean up and get on with life.

Spiritual Battles and Earthly Manifestations

When this weather pattern continued for so long, I began to pray about it. That’s when I heard the Lord say to me, “There is an intense battle being waged in the heavens over the United States.”

He also began to impress my spirit that He wanted to begin to teach His people in the U.S. to walk in the ambassadorial authority He has given them over the principalities and powers that can even affect the weather. (See 2 Thess. 2:9 and Acts 2:19-21.)

So I began to pray and command the rains to stop in this region and to go somewhere else where they were needed. What I noticed was that the weather would clear up for a couple of days in our particular area, but as I ceased from the commanding prayer, the rains would come back. I even noticed on occasion that the storm system would separate and go around us, and we would not get the heavy rain for a little while.

Witchcraft, Sorcery and the United States

I have felt the Lord telling me that the instability in the atmosphere over the U.S. has to do with an epic spiritual battle that has been happening over the control of the government. He has revealed to me that there is an all-out assault of curses, spells and lying spirits released upon the U.S. However, there has also been an acute increase of intercession to combat these as well. Therefore, an epic battle is taking place in the second heaven, and the result is the unstable weather that has been occurring in the U.S.

“He said to them, “I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Look, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:18-19; see also Dan. 10:12-14, Rev. 12:7-9).

Taking Our Authority over the Weather

Is this scriptural, you might ask? Look at James 5:16b-18: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. Elijah was a man subject to natural passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth its fruit.”

God is beginning to prompt His people to start to rise up and take the authority that He has given us and change the atmosphere, including the weather.

Discernment and Humility are Keys

“Are you part of the ‘name it and claim it’ group?”


“What’s the difference?” Many who went to the extremes of that kind of teaching were lacking in two very important keys or fruits in their lives. Discernment and humility are those keys.

First of all, discernment is lacking greatly in kingdom people. Many of us have not spent enough time learning God’s Word, His voice or His heart. In other words, It’s not about you; it’s about Him. We need to develop the spiritual senses of hearing from God and of discerning of spirits. “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die, but if through the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. and … heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:13-17b).

Discernment is learning to be led by Holy Spirit as He reveals the source of every situation, encounter and atmosphere that we are in. We are not to look at things in the flesh but to seek what the Spirit has to say about it and then do whatever He reveals to us. I could go into many biblical examples here, but length will not permit. Take the time to look at Paul’s response to the woman crying out in Acts 16:17. Most of us would call her “prophetess.” But the apostle Paul cast out an evil spirit from her!

Also, remember when Jesus learned about Lazarus dying in John 11? Scripture says He waited two more days before he went to see him. And Lazarus died in the interim. But God had other plans.

Humility is seeking and obeying God first. The opposite of humility is self-seeking and listening to yourself first. God is not giving us authority on the earth to be used for our own fleshly desires and pleasures. He may want to, and often will, reward us with the desires of our hearts, but that is in His arena to choose. Money and things are not evil in and of themselves. It’s the love of those things that brings a snare and takes us off-track. Let me say it again: It’s not about you; it’s about Him. His plans, His will, His desires, His purposes on the earth.

Extremely Important US Elections in November

The upcoming elections in the U.S. are extremely important. The spirits and agents of darkness in the political realm are losing the battle, and they are extremely enraged! Jezebel, the controlling spirit, has organized an army of rebellion to confront, with high demonic powers, the forces of light that are gaining power and authority, especially in the U.S.

As kingdom ambassadors, we cannot afford to lose ground. There are great areas of influence that are at stake here to bring heaven to earth in the political climate of the United States of America. We must remain open to taking dominion over the governmental mountain. This mountain controls many levels of influence in the earth. This is why the devil has fought so hard to keep Christians out of government.

The title of ambassador is a governmental title. We are destined to rule and reign with Christ. The training starts here and now (See Rev. 20:4-6).

Justice for All

I have also been sensing that God is going to bring certain political individuals to justice for crimes committed in their governmental offices. There are individuals on many levels who have broken the law and feel that they are above the law, thinking that they are the law. This is not acceptable to the just judge of the universe, and He will move to bring these individuals to a place of paying for their crimes as the ambassadorial intercessors begin to bring this issue before the throne of God in the courtroom of heaven.

Floods of Glory Resulting in Spiritual Fires

I have also heard the Lord saying this:

“As its waves of glory roll, we are in a kairos moment, a move of God starting in the U.S. and going around the world. Outpourings of God’s glory resulting in major spiritual flooding will begin soon on the East Coast, and as they travel across the country, they will become a burning bush fire in the hearts of God’s people.” {eoa}

Vince Viozzi is the founder of Vince Viozzi Ministries. He has served the Lord with his prophetic gift for over 35 years and was also a senior pastor for several years. His passion is to help to strengthen and bring clarity to God’s Kingdom people by operating as a prophet /teacher, delivering God’s Kairos rhema word through prophecy and prophetic teaching. If you would like to invite Vince to minister, please send an email with the subject line “Invite Vince” to [email protected].

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