
Now Is the Time to Advance Forward with Boldness and Faith

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Ana Werner

Can you feel the tension of transition in the air? With the changing of the season, as I see leaves beginning to carpet our yard, prophetically it’s also a sign of the change coming. God is moving many of us right now, or transitioning us, to where we are supposed to be.

I was led into an encounter recently where I watched God’s hands moving people strategically like a game of chess. Now is the time to advance forward.

In this moment of transition, you may be experiencing an unusual amount of increased spiritual warfare. It may feel like anything, or anyone, that can rob your peace in this hour will try! The enemy is trying his hardest to hit believers in the place of their emotions and throw us off focus. You may even have wondered this past week, Why am I so emotional right now? Trust me, many of us are getting hit hard right now with warfare (especially within the family) as we transition! Remember, the enemy has come to “steal, kill and destroy.” His goal right now is to rob you of your peace.

Take a deep breath with me for a second.

Let’s pray:

“Thank you, Jesus, that You are in control. I may not understand everything. My emotions may even feel so up and down right now as I am in a vulnerable place.

“God, thank you that You are PEACE. Lord, I surrender and I ask You for help; that Your peace would come and wash over me today, even in all of this. Amen.”

You may feel like you are passing through the eye of a needle, but rest assured, Jesus is walking in your midst and directing your forward motion.

This Is What Will Propel Us Forward

Secondly, I want to share with you a prophetic tip the Lord gave me for this season of transition. The Lord shared with me these words: “Be willing to adjust.” I am fully convinced that our ability to adjust in this season is what will propel us forward. The vision or promise from God for our lives hasn’t changed but we must be flexible in the new ways God wants us to move.

Your Compass

God is taking us to places where we can’t use our old maps. We won’t have forward motion by keeping old mindsets. Your navigational compass right now is this: remaining in Him, seeking His Word and running full-throttle forward in the direction He is thrusting you. Resistance to the change God’s directing will only delay the process. Don’t be held back in fear. It’s time to advance forward with boldness and faith.

I bless your advancement forward. Remember, Jesus is still sitting on the throne! {eoa}

Ana Werner and her husband, Sam, currently reside in Kansas City, Missouri. They have two precious kids that keep them busy. Collectively they have ministered in over 13 different nations overseas. Ana moves in the prophetic and healing gifts. She is a seer and teaches on seeing in the supernatural with Jesus in churches and arenas around the world. Ana is an inspiring author and speaker. Healing, signs and wonders follow her ministry. She writes, “My deepest desire by sharing about heaven is for people to grow more in love with Jesus, step into freedom and live life to its fullest for Him! He is worth all our love! Intimacy with Him brings healing, healing brings freedom and freedom brings joy!”

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