
Don’t Let the Little Foxes Stop You!

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Cindy Jacobs

You know the Lord always multi-tasks, doesn’t He? He doesn’t just do one thing; He gets it for all of us. So I’ve just prayed, “What is the word of encouragement?” and I got this Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:15, “Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom.”

This is what the Lord is saying: “I see Satan is coming at you with a lot of little foxes.” I think this ties into the spirit of harassment that I have talked about recently, where problems happen and after a while, you just want to throw your hands up, go to bed and pull the covers over your head. But this is what the Lord is saying to me: “You are a warrior that is being trained for battle, just as a warrior has to go through different levels of preparation.” If you think about knighthood in medieval times, they start with little, wooden swords and they do all this practice, working their way up. Well, this is what the Lord is saying to me: “There are some of you that are squires and there are some of you that are getting to knighthood. I want to say to you, ‘Don’t give up!'”

The eyes of the Lord roam around, searching for those whose hearts are perfect toward Him. We’re getting ready to have the greatest end-time harvest we’ve ever had. Talk about needing workers in the harvest field. I mean, we’re going to have to disciple these new babies. There are whole nations that are going to open up. We need many, many laborers. We’re going to need more church planting. We’re going to need more worship leaders. We need more teachers. We need more disciples. What the Lord is saying is, “I am watching, right now, to see how you withstand when the little foxes come at you. I’m looking to see if you catch them. I’m looking to see how you battle against them. I’m looking to see how you will stand against them.” And the Lord says, “I want to use you in a specific way. I want you to reach your destiny and I want you to press toward the mark for your calling. Satan is trying to come at you, but I am using it for a training ground for greatness.”

So, don’t fail! Don’t give up! Don’t throw down your little, wooden sword because someday you’re supposed to have a very sharp sword. If you’re just beginning, understand this: “I, the Lord, want to use you for this great move; the billion-soul harvest.” I prophesied that. Many others had prophesied that. “So stand and learn how to fight,” says the Lord, “because I have need of you.” {eoa}

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike, her husband, co-founded Generals International in 1985. Cindy helps people walk in the ministry of prophetic intercession, equipping them to pray effectively for their families, cities and nations. Cindy has been recognized by Charisma Magazine as of one of their 40 People Who Radically Changed Our World and she is listed in the Who’s Who Among American Women. She has written for Charisma Magazine, Ministry Today and Spirit-Led Woman, and is the author of eight books, including such bestsellers as Possessing the Gates of the Enemy, The Voice of God and Women of Destiny. Mike and Cindy love to travel and speak, but perhaps their favorite past time is spending time with their children, Daniel and Mary Madison, along with their six adorable grandchildren. The Jacobs make their home just outside of Dallas.

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