Teresa Shields Parker

  • Pretensions and Strongholds

    Pretensions and Strongholds

    If pride is not dealt with, it will introduce into our lives, a bolder and more arrogant emotion called pretension. It’s what pride becomes when we start believing we are invincible and don’t need God. Pretension is when an inflated sense of self-importance takes over our lives. It is what strongholds are made of, which

  • Exchange Pride for Humility

    Exchange Pride for Humility

    Being prideful is not just an attitude. It’s also an emotion God hates. It’s the emotion that He wants us to ditch, and He tells us exactly how to do that in His Word. Pride is the foundational emotion on which all other emotions, which lead to sin, are built. Pride says, “I’m number one,

  • What Emotions?

    What Emotions?

    Read Time: 4 Minutes, 53 Seconds Many of us don’t know what to do with our emotions so we just try to ignore them. My cure for not feeling my emotions was to overeat foods made with sugar flour. I didn’t want to feel my emotions. I was running from my emotions because I was

  • Scared to Death, Invited to Life

    Scared to Death, Invited to Life

    Read Time: 5 Minutes, 11 Seconds I’ve been scared to death, but thankfully I have also been invited to life. I much prefer the latter because God is the One who invites us to live a full and abundant life. The Bible says a lot about this. “God so loved the world that he gave

  • Hungry for God

    Hungry for God

    Read Time: 4 Minutes, 30 Seconds How can we be as hungry for God as we are for sugary treats and junk food? How can we crave God instead of the things we know we shouldn’t be consuming in huge quantities and causing damage to our bodies. By looking at two contrasting stories in the

  • Created for a Higher Purpose

    Created for a Higher Purpose

    God tells us that we are wonderfully and fearfully made which basically means we were created for a higher purpose, for His purpose. “I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well,” (Psalm 139:14 AMP). What does that

  • Why Love Shouldn’t Upset Your Health Journey

    Why Love Shouldn’t Upset Your Health Journey

    What should we do when our loving husband brings us our favorite candy and we have committed to not eating sugar? As a Christian weight loss coach, I’ve heard from many wives who are afraid of hurting his feelings if she tells him she doesn’t want that any more. She’s afraid of rocking this love

  • Why God Cares About Your Physical Health

    Why God Cares About Your Physical Health

    God doesn’t care if I am fat. He wants me to enjoy my life. He wants me to live, love and be happy. Food makes me happy so I’m just doing what He wants me to do. That was just an excuse and at its core it is untrue. God really doesn’t care about our outward

  • Don’t Blame Your Lack of Discipline on Your Family

    Don’t Blame Your Lack of Discipline on Your Family

    My family won’t eat healthy. This is an excuse that I understand, and yet I think it is one of the poorest excuses. When we are blaming our bad eating habits on our families, we place all the responsibility for what we’ve done to ourselves on them. That is not fair to them. Blaming our

  • A Lame Excuse for Not Surrendering to the Holy Spirit

    A Lame Excuse for Not Surrendering to the Holy Spirit

    To say we have no voice or say in what happens in our lives is an excuse for not surrendering to the Holy Spirit. We do have a voice, but it means we are just living by every whim we have and not by God. Galatians 5:16 (TPT) tells us, “As you yield to the

  • A Big Excuse That Shuts Down Our Ability to Hear from God

    A Big Excuse That Shuts Down Our Ability to Hear from God

    One of the biggest excuses we have is that we somehow feel God doesn’t speak to us. This excuse shuts down our ability to hear from Him, trust Him and surrender to Him. All three things are integral when we are trying to change our habits, lose weight, get healthy and follow God’s plan for

  • How the Holy Spirit Can Restore Your True Sanity

    How the Holy Spirit Can Restore Your True Sanity

    Most of my life I tried to avoid one thing—being crazy or insane. When I was growing up my mother had emotional issues and saw a psychiatrist regularly. She was on medication which only seemed to make her mood swings worse. She had high highs, and low lows. When I asked my dad what was wrong

  • Jesus is My Friend, Not Sugar

    Jesus is My Friend, Not Sugar

    It’s been at least 10 years since I’ve had cake for my birthday, which I celebrated recently. Strawberries with nuts are my favorite treats today. That was definitely not my choice in years past until I made some monumental decisions in about 2009. Not eating sugar and flour went deeper than just not eating cake on

  • Another Huge Lie: Food Will Protect You From This Abuse

    Another Huge Lie: Food Will Protect You From This Abuse

    There is a major fallacy that keeps many stuck in super, morbid obesity. That is that overeating our favorite foods will protect us from the kind of men that might want to do us harm. For those who have been sexually abused this becomes a major excuse for overeating. They say, “I can’t lose weight

  • Why Am I So Afraid of Success?

    Why Am I So Afraid of Success?

    Many of us have a fear of success, which keeps us stuck. We are afraid of moving forward because we might succeed and then have to continue the hard work that we think success will take. We are afraid of what success might do to us and how it will change us. I have been

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