Ruth Hill

  • Special Travel Section: The Holy Land

    Special Travel Section: The Holy Land

    Galilee: Walking in His FootstepsGalilee: Walking in His Footsteps

    When retracing the primary region of Jesus’ ministry, don’t skip these sites

    Israel’s Galilee region is often a Holy Land pilgrim’s favorite, especially for those who want to walk where Jesus lived and taught. This is where the bulk of Christ’s ministry occurred, where He gathered most of His followers and where He performed more than 20 miracles. 

    The absence of modern development makes it easy to visualize first-century life. Solitude and meditation come easily, especially if you read Gospel accounts as you enjoy the mountain and water views around the Sea of Galilee, an inland lake known as Kinneret in Hebrew.Tiberias on the western shore is lodging central with modern hotels and restaurants near the water. And after visiting the following sites, don’t forget the most popular edible is tilapia, known as St. Peter’s fish—a great meal finale to a contemplative lake float.

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