Michael L. Brown

  • What Are You Going to Do When They Come for You?

    What Are You Going to Do When They Come for You?

    To all the wealthy, liberal elites who are cheering on the protests and riots, a word of warning is in order. The same holds true for the conservative Christians who are lining up to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement. To each of you I say: Do not be deceived. The cancel

  • Warning: Jezebel Spirit Is Waging War Against America, Church

    Warning: Jezebel Spirit Is Waging War Against America, Church

    The biblical figure Jezebel died 3,000 years ago, but her spirit lives on today, and in fact, is at war with America and the American church. This is the bold focus of a soon-to-be-released book by Dr. Michael L. Brown titled Jezebel’s War with America: The Plot to Destroy Our Country and What We Can

  • Liberating Truths to Attack Demonic Food Strongholds

    Liberating Truths to Attack Demonic Food Strongholds

    First, if overeating and/or unhealthy eating is a sin, did Jesus die for that sin? Did He pay for it in full on the cross? When you confess it to Him as sin and ask for forgiveness, does He wash you clean and forgive you, even if you keep messing up and seeking His mercy?

  • Waging Successful Spiritual Warfare Over the ‘God of Your Stomach’

    Waging Successful Spiritual Warfare Over the ‘God of Your Stomach’

    To be truly free from strongholds of overeating, you must recognize that the grace that saved you from sin is the same grace that empowers you to live above sin, including the sin of unhealthy eating. Recognize that everything you need to overcome food addictions and to be free and to renew your mind and

  • Vigilantly Rejecting Esau’s Sin and Its Devastating Consequences on Your Body

    Vigilantly Rejecting Esau’s Sin and Its Devastating Consequences on Your Body

    He was only 48 years old when he dropped dead of a massive heart attack last night, and his family is in complete shock. Devastated would be a better word. Why did he die so suddenly? And why at a time like this, just five days before he was scheduled to walk his oldest daughter down the aisle and give

  • What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality

    What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality

    One night I was reading the stories of people who had left the church because they thought God hated them simply because they were attracted to the same sex. I was so overcome with emotion that I put the book down, got alone in another room, fell to my knees and wept. The pain of

  • The Great Gay Deception

    The Great Gay Deception

    In February 2007, a colleague of mine attended the annual fundraising dinner for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest gay activist organization. As a Christian man deeply committed to righteousness in our nation, he wanted to see how the HRC operated firsthand. Next to him at the table was a homosexual couple, and

  • How Do You Know If You’ve Backslidden

    How Do You Know If You’ve Backslidden

    Here are some symptoms of a backslidden heart, some tangible tests by which you can examine yourself. Ask yourself: 1) Is there a decrease in my personal devotion to Jesus? This will be evidenced by a decreased desire for intimate and private times with the Lord (especially in prayer and worship) and decreased hunger and passion

  • Restoring Your Passion for God

    I will never forget the words spoken one night by the pastor of the church in which I was saved. He said, "A person may take 20 years to backslide" (referring to a complete apostasy from the Lord). This is a sobering thought. You grow old gradually. Your hair turns gray gradually. You can backslide…

  • Hope for the Frozen Heart

    Has your heart subtly grown cold? I know from personal experience that God can reignite His passion in you.

  • 5 Signs of a Backslidden Heart

    5 Signs of a Backslidden Heart

    I will never forget the words spoken one night by the pastor of the church in which I was saved. He said, “A person may take 20 years to backslide” (referring to a complete apostasy from the Lord). This is a sobering thought. You grow old gradually. Your hair turns gray gradually. You can backslide

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