jimmy stewart

  • The Next Move of God

    The Next Move of God

    One of the biggest dangers Christians face is thinking inside the proverbial religious box. When we talk about “a great move of God” or “revival” we often contextualize it inside a church building. We get visions of people coming to a facility, worshipping God, hearing a fiery evangelist and flooding the altar for prayer.Even when…

  • 2011: The Time Is Now!

    2011: The Time Is Now!

    It is imperative that the body of Christ accurately discern the times and seasons we find ourselves in.  As the sons of Issachar, we too, must be aware of not only what God is doing at the moment, but we must be aware of what is looming before us. I have been listening intently to…

  • Evaluate Your Relationships

    Evaluate Your Relationships

    When God wants to bless you, He brings people into your life. When Satan wants to destroy you, he brings people into your life. And sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.We are in a season in which God wants to strengthen kingdom relationships. God wants us engaged in relationships that are healthy and productive,…

  • Good Eats

    Summer will soon be here and millions will decide to trim the fat by exercising in the sunny weather. But jogging a mile each day won't help anyone if their diet consists of Big Macs and fries. Here are some healthy foods, as listed on CNN.com, that can help you achieve your fitness goals--and that…

  • Good Eats

    Summer will soon be here and millions will decide to trim the fat by exercising in the sunny weather. But jogging a mile each day won't help anyone if their diet consists of Big Macs and fries. Here are some healthy foods, as listed on CNN.com, that can help you achieve your fitness goals--and that…

  • When Your Kids Talk Dirty

     For Christians, the worst consequence of vulgarity's ubiquity may be the influence upon children.  "All children, whether they swear or not, learn what the words are that they're not supposed to use," says author Timothy Jay, who also is a psychology professor at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.Sometimes teens must learn that words matter by…

  • Have a Steaming Cup o’ Death?

    It's not the javaholics in danger now—it's the occasional sippers. Just when we thought coffee was safe again, now cardiologists are saying that the occasional after-dinner cup of coffee is worse for the heart than drinking it every day. The research is the first to show that the surge in blood pressure that a noncoffee-drinker…

  • Violence Aimed at Kids

    A study by the Federal Trade Commission released suggests that video game marketers and movie studios don't take seriously the entertainment industry's own self-regulation when it comes to keeping kids away from mature material.

  • Have a Steaming Cup o’ Death?

    It's not the javaholics in danger now—it's the occasional sippers. Just when we thought coffee was safe again, now cardiologists are saying that the occasional after-dinner cup of coffee is worse for the heart than drinking it every day. The research is the first to show that the surge in blood pressure that a noncoffee-drinker…

  • The Best Sex Ever

    Research refutes the media and confirms the Bible.Where is the best place to have sex? Research reveals an unlikely answer. Sex is most satisfying, both physically and emotionally, when confined to the safe harbor of marriage.

  • The Top 10 Worst Pick-Up Lines

    1. You can forget about going to heaven because it's a sin to look that good. 2. How do you like me so far? 3. Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I need to walk by again?

  • Take Inches Off Your Belly

    Want to take inches off your belly? Here are some tips to get you started.

  • Take Inches Off Your Belly

    Want to take inches off your belly? Here are some tips to get you started.

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