J. Lee Grady

  • Ten Deadbeat Men Who are Deceiving Christian Women

    Ten Deadbeat Men Who are Deceiving Christian Women

    My wife and I raised four daughters—without shotguns in the house! We love our sons-in-law, and it’s obvious God handpicked each of them to match our daughters’ temperaments and personality. I have always believed God is in the matchmaking business. If He can do it for my daughters, He can do it for you. Today

  • Planning a Big Move? Trust God in the Transition

    Planning a Big Move? Trust God in the Transition

    Americans sheltered in place and worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic but trend watchers say we are on the cusp of a huge moving boom over the next few years. Are we just restless after so many months in quarantine? There are actually many factors driving people to relocate: – Because so many people

  • The Eight Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make

    The Eight Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make

    I’ve been blessed to know many wise and courageous ministry leaders over the years. Some have been examples from a distance and others have been mentors up close. But I have also known many leaders whose churches or organizations failed because they didn’t adopt the solid principles of leadership found in the Bible. Today I

  • Seven Ways to Prepare Now for Spiritual Harvest

    Seven Ways to Prepare Now for Spiritual Harvest

    Fifty years ago, Time magazine featured Jesus Christ on its cover to document an unusual spiritual revival that was sweeping the nation at that time. At the height of the Jesus movement, which began around 1967, thousands of teenagers and young hippies found salvation as an alternative to psychedelic drugs, free sex and Vietnam War

  • Pray for Haiti Like Your Life Depended on It

    Pray for Haiti Like Your Life Depended on It

    The nation of Haiti is the last thing most Americans are thinking about these days. It’s the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere and its problems seem unsolvable. So we basically don’t care. But last week, a group of church and ministry leaders gathered in Haiti for three days of emergency prayer and fasting. American

  • The Devil Is Real But He Is Defeated!

    The Devil Is Real But He Is Defeated!

    Halloween is big business. The National Retail Federation reported last week that American consumers will spend a scary $10.14 billion on Halloween candy, decorations, costumes and parties. That’s way more than the $8 billion spent in 2020, during the pandemic, and more than the $8.78 billion we spent in 2019. Scary movies are also big

  • Why Trans Women Are a Threat to Women’s Rights

    Why Trans Women Are a Threat to Women’s Rights

    Gavin Hubbard got involved in weightlifting as a young man in his native New Zealand because he hoped it would make him feel more masculine. But after much success in the sport, Gavin decided to change his gender. In 2012, he transitioned to female and began extensive hormone therapy. Gavin Hubbard became Laurel Hubbard. As

  • Don’t Let “Church Hurt” Isolate You from Your Christian Family

    Don’t Let “Church Hurt” Isolate You from Your Christian Family

    Everywhere I go, I meet Christians who were hurt in church or wounded by the words and actions of other believers. Some people become bitter because of these experiences. Others throw up their hands and give up on church altogether. And a few even leave the faith. The typical scenarios of “church hurt” might include

  • The World Just Became More Confusing With “Furries”

    The World Just Became More Confusing With “Furries”

    Sexual confusion is now being followed by a new trend — “species confusion.” In the 1970s, people began talking openly about the gay and lesbian culture. That changed in the 1990s to the “LGBT” culture, which stands for “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.” Within a few years, the gay community added the letter “Q” to

  • In This Crisis, Desperate People Are Searching for God

    In This Crisis, Desperate People Are Searching for God

    Have you noticed people are becoming more open to God’s answers? This past Sunday, I was speaking at a charismatic church in northern Michigan called New Life Christian Fellowship. At the conclusion of the service, while I was praying for the congregation, the Lord showed me someone in the room was struggling with a strong

  • Instead of Fighting About COVID, Let’s Mourn for Its Victims

    Instead of Fighting About COVID, Let’s Mourn for Its Victims

    Some people deny that this pandemic is real. I have friends who died from it. Last month I attended the funeral of a true Christian hero, BeatrĂ­z LĂłpez. She was a brave evangelist and church-planter who preached the gospel in her native Cuba in spite of opposition from the government. She became the first woman

  • Dr. Cho’s Greatest Gift to the Global Church

    Dr. Cho’s Greatest Gift to the Global Church

    The world mourned this week after learning that Dr. David Yonggi Cho — pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea — died on September 14. Known as a visionary leader who taught his followers to change the world through prayer, Dr. Cho was hospitalized for more than a year because of

  • Why Are So Many Christian Men on Emotional Lockdown?

    Why Are So Many Christian Men on Emotional Lockdown?

    Mental health experts say the COVID-19 pandemic has taken an enormous toll on people emotionally. A huge number of Americans struggle with depression, anxiety, sleeplessness and suicidal thoughts because of prolonged isolation. Psychologists have known for a long time that women tend to suffer from depression more than men. Is that really true — or

  • Are You Resting in the Lord … Or Sweating?

    Are You Resting in the Lord … Or Sweating?

    Here’s an honest confession: I struggle to rest in the Lord when I’m doing His work. The apostle Paul told the Philippians: “For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). It is a wondrous truth that God uses flawed human vessels

  • In a World of Gender Confusion, We Need the Love of Jesus

    In a World of Gender Confusion, We Need the Love of Jesus

    When I was a kid growing up in Alabama, I was taught there are two genders. I learned to read using the popular Dick and Jane books, and we had girls’ restrooms for girls and boys’ restrooms for boys. My first-grade teacher, Mrs. Mizelle, wouldn’t have permitted a boy to use the girls’ restroom in

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