Dharius Daniels

  • Why Wisdom is Crucial in Our Walk With Christ

    Why Wisdom is Crucial in Our Walk With Christ

    One cold winter night an old woman received a knock at her door. She opened it, and to her surprise, found three tall wizard-looking men standing on her porch. The first man motioned toward her and said, “My name is Wealth. His name is Well-being, and that guy over there … his name is Wisdom.”

  • Is Your Concealed Weapon Reckless or Christlike?

    Is Your Concealed Weapon Reckless or Christlike?

    Do you know you carry a concealed weapon? Everyone reading this is guilty. Yes, even you. And no, I am not referring to a canister of eye-burning mace, nor am I referring to a razor-sharp pocketknife. I am alluding to a weapon that is sharper than any knife and burns much more than mace. It

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