Dave Mohel

  • Christian Leaders Urge Congress to Sanction Iran, Prevent Terrorism

    Christian Leaders Urge Congress to Sanction Iran, Prevent Terrorism

    Christian Leaders for a Nuclear-Free Iran (CLNFI) sent a letter to Congress today urging lawmakers to place sanctions on Iran to prevent the Middle East country from obtaining nuclear weapons.

    Representing millions of evangelicals, Roman Catholics and other Christians, CLNFI told Congress the time has come to "act."

    "Now that super-majorities in the house and senate have made their support for sanctions known, and now that the Iranian regime has made its increasing defiance clear to the world, the time for Congress to act has arrived," said Richard Land of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

  • Southern Baptist Leader Calls for Sanctions Against Iran

    Southern Baptist Leader Calls for Sanctions Against Iran

    Richard Land, director of the Southern Baptist Convention's (SBC) Ethics & Religion Liberty Commission, has joined with Jewish and Evangelical leaders in calling for immediate economic sanctions against Iran.

    Land issued a statement Nov. 2 with Paul de Vries, president of the New York Divinity School and Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis. The men called for economic sanctions that would specifically target banks working even indirectly with Iranian financial institutions, firms and governments that export refined petroleum to Iran.

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