Carol McLeod

  • How Understanding the Complete Love of Christ Will Transform Your Life

    How Understanding the Complete Love of Christ Will Transform Your Life

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 6 Seconds The love of God. I deeply think about it, ponder it, wade through it, contemplate its depth and enjoy its fullness. The love of God is likely one of those mysteries this side of heaven that we will wrestle with until we are in the presence of Him who

  • When Your Storms Become Your Finest Hour

    When Your Storms Become Your Finest Hour

    Read Time: 3 Minutes, 42 Seconds Has a storm blown into your life lately? Are you—or someone you love—suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? If you answered yes to any of these questions, stay with me because how you

  • Why It May Be Difficult for You to Discover Supernatural Joy

    Why It May Be Difficult for You to Discover Supernatural Joy

    Have you ever wondered why you have not been able to tap into the miraculous, fulfilling, and ultimate joy that the Bible talks about? Perhaps your frustration stems from the fact that you have been looking for joy in all the wrong places. If you believe that an impressive college education, a spotless home or

  • The Blueprints for Building a Powerful and Abundant Life for Jesus

    The Blueprints for Building a Powerful and Abundant Life for Jesus

    Have you ever seen blueprints? If not, blueprints are detailed drawings, containing specifications approved by the builder of a home. A blueprint fully outlines the quality of the materials needed to build a stable and trustworthy home. For a Christian, the Bible is our detailed “blueprint” with specifications for living an abundant life that has

  • The Addiction that You Simply Won’t Want to Break

    The Addiction that You Simply Won’t Want to Break

    When I was living through the darkest and loneliest days of my life, I developed an addiction. I was in the throes of depression due to years of infertility and repeated miscarriages. I sent five babies to heaven—each between 12 and 20 weeks in utero. It was a time of non-stop grief, dashed hopes and raging

  • Knowing the Character of God When It Matters Most

    Knowing the Character of God When It Matters Most

    If you have found yourself in the direct path of a searing fire in life, your bravest choice is to recognize who God is and then glorify Him as Lord. If you refuse to recognize the character and goodness of God when the temperature of life is uncomfortably high, you will find yourself in a

  • This Essential Kingdom Action Will Help You Overcome Life’s Disappointments

    This Essential Kingdom Action Will Help You Overcome Life’s Disappointments

    We’ve all been disappointed at one time or another. Disappointment is that gut-level feeling of just being sick over what might have been … what could have been … what should have been. “We also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope

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