Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

‘What Happened’? God Intervened

Hillary Clinton wrote a book called What Happened. My book answers her question: God intervened.

In God and Donald Trump, which released Nov. 7, I set out to examine the spiritual dimensions of what was happening in America during a very contentious election campaign. The faith angle isn’t something often discussed in political circles, but it is becoming more and more apparent that the faith of Donald Trump, and the faith that brought millions of evangelicals and pro-life Roman Catholics out to vote for him, is suddenly an issue of immense concern.

In his public response to the shocking string of disasters that has hammered the nation over the past six months, the president has made no secret of his own faith, repeatedly calling for prayer and a new spirit of national unity. Despite the criticism and scorn leveled against him by the media and the Hollywood left, he has not wavered, maintaining a level of compassion, concern and consistency that is deeply gratifying to the millions of average Americans who voted for him in November.

As the nation was being dragged further and further to the left over the past two decades, becoming more and more decadent in the process, millions of Christians were praying for a change in the direction of our country. Pastors and ministry leaders who might have been too intimidated to speak up a year or two earlier were finding their voice, warning about the dangerous course we were on. At the same time, conservative activists began discovering an entirely new wave of support from men and women in the heartland—including many first-time voters—who felt they had been deceived and deserted by the Washington elite.

The nation was rapidly approaching a tipping point, and the revolution that took place on Nov. 8, 2016, was the result of a long and agonizing period of transformation and the clearest expression of the public’s distrust of government as usual. Donald Trump was elected specifically because he was not a politician. He was not part of the Beltway crowd, and that’s what voters were demanding.

In my book, I document numerous prophecies that were published well ahead of the election, predicting that Donald Trump would win—which he did—against all odds. While Hollywood and the predictable gaggle of protesters have continued to call for resistance and obstruction, there is a new sense of momentum in the nation. The economy is booming, conservative jurists are being confirmed for the federal courts and even if a number of the president’s promises are yet to be fulfilled, many people are more optimistic about what’s happening in Washington today than ever before.

Predictably, the Beltway pundits are still scratching their heads, wondering how we’ve come to such an inglorious moment. But it’s clear that something totally unexpected has come to pass. During an interview on the Fox Business Channel, the Rev. Franklin Graham told Lou Dobbs, “I think God intervened and put His hand on Donald Trump for some reason. It’s obvious that there was something behind this, and it was more than people understand.” And Graham added, “I just think it was God.”

Is it really possible God had something to do with it? The power of faithful prayer in times of crisis and change cannot be overestimated and, without question, the Trump administration has inherited a nation in crisis. Being surrounded by faithful prayer warriors, and repeatedly expressing his own gratitude for the men and women who joined together to offer a faithful defense through intercessory prayer, the president has been the beneficiary of a lot of fervent prayer and support. And for those who joined the effort, there can be no doubt that God put His imprint on the election and showed His favor on the nation.

Looking back, it was the willingness of evangelicals, charismatics and pro-life Roman Catholics to make the commonsense choice that made the difference in this election. According to the Pew Research Center, 8 out of 10 self-identified white, born-again, evangelical Christians said they voted for Trump, while just 16 percent voted for Hillary. This gave Trump a 65-percentage-point margin of victory among Christian voters of all denominations. White Catholics supported Trump by a 23-point margin (60 percent to 37 percent).

The critical element was that each of these communities decided to set aside their differences and disappointments to put Trump over the top. They weren’t looking for a pastor; they were looking for a leader they could trust—someone who shared their values. As Franklin Graham suggested, they voted for the only candidate who wanted to make America great again, knowing a win by the Democratic candidate would change America forever—and would threaten religious liberty as we know it.

In his concluding remarks at the national “Celebrate Freedom” event at the Kennedy Center in July 2017, President Trump told the crowd that packed the auditorium, “There are many hills and mountains to climb, but with the strength and courage of the patriots assembled in this room tonight … we will get the job done. We will all prove worthy of this very important moment in history, and we will prove worthy of the sacrifice that our brave veterans have made. As long as we have pride in our beliefs, courage in our convictions and faith in our God, we will not fail.”

That was a message that millions of beleaguered but hopeful Americans had been longing to hear.

I want to invite you to download a sample chapter of the book and to see our exciting video trailer about the book by clicking here. You can also order the book online at or Of course, you can now purchase it at your local bookstore.

As always, please share this with your social media followers and leave your comments below. Help us get the word out about God and Donald Trump. Now that the book is out—and if you really enjoyed reading it—go to or and leave a five-star review! {eoa}

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