10 Critical Things to Teach Your Daughter

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Shawn Akers

Dads, make sure you teach your daughter these things. She will be grateful.

Dad, you’re an influential person in your daughter’s life. Make sure you teach her the most important things that she needs to know before she grows up.

Teach your daughter to love herself. Teach your daughter to change her oil. Teach your daughter respect. See what else you can learn in this week’s Tools for the Journey: Things to Teach Your Daughter.

Dad, what would you add to the list? Or how do you teach these things?

1. Teach her that she’s beautiful. You know that your daughter is beautiful inside and out. Make sure she knows it, too.

2. Teach her to be kind. Teach your daughter to not only be kind to others, but to herself as well.

3. Teach her to respect herself and others. You can teach her to respect herself and others through modeling what it looks like. Let her know that respect will take her far in life and allow her to build strong relationships.

4. Teach her honesty. Make sure that you are honest with your daughter so that she knows that trust feels like. She will then grow to want others to have that same feeling for her.

5. Teach her maintenance skills. Teach her simple car maintenance; where the fuse box is, how to turn the water main off. Give her a little independence and confidence when it comes to getting her hands dirty.

6. Teach her to stand up for what she believes in. Teach her to stand up for her beliefs, but also how to do so appropriately and without hurting others. It is also important to help her realize that picking her battles will be in her favor.

7. Teach her what to look for in relationships. Model what a healthy relationship looks like. Respecting her mother, married or not, will have a large impact on your daughter’s life.

8. Teach her to love learning. Show respect for teachers and place school as a high priority in your home. Reward her when she does well and encourage her when she can do better.

9. Teach her to love herself. Your words are powerful. They have the power to shape the way our daughter sees herself; use them wisely.

10. Teach her that she can make a difference. She has valuable gifts and abilities that can help people make the world a better place.

For the original article, visit fathers.com.

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