
Eternity Sisters

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Sherry Wetzel

In 1971 I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and began an intimate relationship with Jesus. My only way to describe what happened to me is that I went from believing in Jesus to knowing Him.

My friends said, “You need to go to Bob and Kay’s prayer meeting on Monday nights. Then you need to go to Frank’s Bible study on Wednesday afternoon.”

A world of kingdom realities and possibilities lay at my feet. The song, “Step by Step He Leads Me” echoed in my heart.

On Mondays, the prayer meetings began with singing. These beautiful songs of worship brought down a flood of His presence. Many were healed and lives were changed.

On Wednesdays, I went to Pastor Frank’s house. He and his lovely wife, Milly, were warm and friendly. There were about 20 women from various denominations seated around their dining room table.

I recognized several ladies from the Monday prayer group. We started singing, and the beautiful music was celestial.

We prayed and then Frank opened the Scriptures. He made them come alive.

Around this table, I met Kay, Donna, Carolyn, Deannie and Beverly. There were many other women, but this group was destined for a divine appointment. We began calling ourselves “Eternity Sisters.”

After Frank’s Bible study ended, we continued meeting at Donna’s home. Our shared journey and dedication to “know Him” is still the substance that binds us together.

Our meetings begin with hugs and laughter. After not seeing each other for a week, there is so much to share. Then we’ll realize that a thread of conversation has led us to pray. God’s presence settles over us, and we begin interceding.

It’s now been 30 years, and we’re still praying, “Lord, are we on target? Are we pleasing You?”

I believe our sovereign Lord loves to surprise His children with innovation and uniqueness. In our group, we are as different in temperament as our names.

Together we’ve raised our children, attended their weddings, birthed our grandbabies, buried our parents, worked in various vocations, attended retirement parties and traveled the globe. The path for some of my dear sisters has been hard.

There are no cowards or weak-hearted ones among us. Time and gravity have etched these faces with smiley wrinkles, but our eyes tell you, “the Light of the world has come to dwell in our hearts.”

This eternal sisterhood stands on the principle that He who apprehended all of us is faithful. Our dreams and pursuits of happiness come wrapped in a name–Jesus, the One and Only.

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