
Miraculous Protection

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Dale Lambert

My 2-year-old granddaughter and I were on our way to my home from her house when it began to snow. The roads became extremely slick, and visibility was poor.

When I attempted to make a left turn, I lost control of the car and went into the other lane. I cried out, “Oh please, Lord Jesus, I need You!”

We spun around and hit a sign, breaking it off and coming to rest in an 8-foot ditch. But we didn’t even feel a jolt. God had eased us down into the ditch.

Just at that moment, a huge truck came flying over the hill right in the lane we would have been in. My granddaughter said, “Whee, Grandma!” and “Yeah, Jesus!” when I told her He had protected us.

We sang a song, praising and thanking God, and I could feel His love and peace literally filling our car with His presence.

We got out of the car and walked to a nearby house, where I called my husband to come and pick us up. The next morning, we saw that God had not only protected us, but also preserved our car; when they pulled it out of the ditch, there wasn’t even a scratch on it!

God reminded me of His Word, “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Ps. 34:17, NKJV). What an awesome God we serve!

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