
Healed by Forgiveness

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Rev. Kimberlie Zakarian

I was sexually molested by a family member when I was a young girl. At age 18, I was brutally raped and lived in fear of my attacker for years.

Following this last assault, I accepted Christ as my Savior. After having had a career in modeling and acting, I entered Bible college and fell more and more in love with God and ministry.

Today, I am an ordained minister and assistant pastor. Although I went to the family member who had abused me and told him I had forgiven him, bitterness still had a grip on my heart.

One Sunday evening I was preaching on on the subject of forgiveness when clearly, I heard the Lord say, “But have you really forgiven, Kimberlie?”

God’s words echoed in my ear for weeks. Bitterness was tearing me apart emotionally.

Some time later at a retreat, my husband and I were listening to a message about forgiveness. Tears filled my eyes.

I realized that I was living in a prison of unforgiveness. Tears poured like a flood until they lay in puddles on top of my feet.

That evening I was healed of unforgiveness. When I released my bitterness, God delivered me from the enemy’s clutches.

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