
He is There 24/7

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Carolyn Spencer

I first experienced God’s healing power at the age of 10, when I had meningitis. When the enemy attacked my body, he didn’t realize that I had a mother who believed and trusted God.

I remember it as though it were yesterday when my mother came to the hospital to see me, but found me quarantined and unable to walk. She immediately called on the best physician she knew: Jesus.

With authority, she spoke, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!” Instantly, I arose from the hospital bed, healed.

I never thought that I would ever face another crisis in my life. But in March 1996, while showering one day, I discovered a lump in my left breast. After telling my doctor what I had found, I underwent a needle aspiration, a mammogram and a sonogram.

A week later I received the diagnosis: breast cancer. I wanted to have a pity party, but I heard God say: “Don’t cry. Just praise me.” And I did so throughout my lumpectomy, chemotherapy and radiation.

God is so faithful. I never suffered from the side effects of the treatment. And now, 11 years later, the incision is barely noticeable. I can tell anyone who is battling cancer or any other attack of the enemy to trust God and stand on His promises.

Always seek God, trust Him and stay in His Word. During times of crisis, find strength and comfort in Psalms 23, 91 and 103. Sometimes it may be hard to focus on God and His promises but keep praising Him, for He is worthy.

During this whole ordeal, I had maintained the peace that only God could give. I had not shed a tear.

Two years after my recovery, I had returned home after church one Sunday night, and as I lay in bed, I began thanking and praising God for His faithfulness and healing power. He said, “It’s OK for you to cry now.”

Tears of thanksgiving and joy began to flow for everything God had done for me. I know God’s promises are true, and I’m a living testimony of that.


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