
Divine Convergence and Revelatory Alliance

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Chandy Thomas

The “things to come” often inhabit a preoccupied space in our minds. Everything in our lives speaks toward what will happen—consequentially or inconsequentially. A good portion of Scripture consists of foretelling and prophetic utterance. Sometimes we get lost in the “what is to come” and miss the “what is in the present” that leads to it.

Often we are busy connecting the dots and forget the disconnected joy of simply collecting the dots. We experience this joy by becoming uniquely aware of the present realities and signals from God. We must take note of moments such as Jacob’s at Bethel, when he says, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it” (Gen. 26:18b).

I see God doing two things in the coming season.

First, Holy Spirit has given me keen awareness of a new convergence of influence, a new collaboration of entrepreneurs, pastors/ministry leaders and kingdom-minded legislators. Gone are the simple old tensions of politics between ideologically opposite parties. We have plunged head-on into a nationwide battle between good and evil.

I love the many city-wide public worship movements and cries for revival. What if, in addition to these movements, God is calling us to launch a new movement—one of relational integrity that makes space for these three demographics to come together and share thoughts, ideas and concerns? It would include space to pray and receive heaven’s strategy over our cities and states. Such a movement would once again restore the elders sitting at the gates, as we read in the Old Testament Scriptures.

If you have visited Israel, you have walked through at least one of these gates to enter the Old City in Jerusalem. In this open space, elders sat and judged the people openly, without corruption. What if God wants us to restore such a movement where we seek His counsel together and articulate new righteous legislation—city by city, state by state? As a faith community, we not only want to show up at the Capitol steps to protest when things go wrong. We want to be part of the creative solution. This is what I see!

Isaiah 9:6 states, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given,” which quickly makes way for “and the government shall be upon his shoulder.” I always think, Wow, that escalated quickly! I measure what I see God doing in the coming season between the events we see now and the fulfillment of the kingdoms of the world becoming His from Revelation 11. Kingdom activity must increase. Of course, Jesus will bring the final fulfillment, but His Spirit is preparing in us a bride worthy of this conquering King.

Likewise, in Acts 1. the scene described occurs at the moment of the Lord’s ascension. The disciples asked Jesus in verse 6b,”Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus’ answer directs us to the key in this strategic discussion. He doesn’t rebuke His followers for asking a wrong question, nor does He say something like, “You guys just don’t get it, do you?” It wasn’t a wrong question; it just wasn’t the right time.

Jesus responds to the question in verse 7: “It is not for you to know the times or the dates, which the Father has fixed by His own authority.” His meaning? “Great last question before I leave, but you got the timing wrong.” He will restore the kingdom to Israel, but not just yet.

When former President Donald Trump moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, I told my wife, Sarah, that all hell would break loose because this was a significant move by a world leader toward alignment with Israel. I see greater understanding in the church about the role of Israel and a new collaboration through friendship between the mainstream church and the Messianic Jewish movement.

A new convergence of these three streams of influence—entrepreneurs, ministry leaders and kingdom-minded legislators. I also see a greater unapologetic and revelatory alliance to Israel as a sign of our greater alliance to King Jesus.

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