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Charisma Staff


No More Religious Persecution in China?


With reports of 30,000 people accepting Christ daily, one thing is for sure: God is moving in the most populous country in the world. But missionary Dennis Balcombe says the 21st century Chinese church is not experiencing the same persecution their predecessors did. Visit balcombe.charismamag.com to watch an exclusive interview with Balcombe and Charisma Editor Marcus Yoars.


Praise from prison
As a Christian living in communist China, Dorothy Sun spent six years in prison and 14 more working in a forced-labor factory. She has since become a U.S. citizen. Today she returns regularly to China with her husband, Freddie, who also was jailed there for his faith, to work with house churches and spread the gospel. Watch their amazing testimony at sun.charismamedia.com.


How fasting can be edgy


 Visit fast.charismamedia.com and find out how choosing prayer over your dinner plate can help you reclaim your spiritual edge. Watch as pastor Jentezen Franklin gives key principles to fasting that will catapult you into your spiritual destiny and restore your edge.


Win The Harbinger

Starting in 732 B.C., God gave Israel nine prophetic warnings of coming judgment for refusing to repent. Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn writes that the same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with profound ramifications for this nation’s future. Win a copy of his compelling prophetic novel at 


Recession? What recession?


You can live free from the fear that grips people during economically tough times. Go to recessionfree .charismamag .com to find out how.


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With the Charisma Mobile app, news, reviews, commentary and more will be sent to your iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Palm webOS or Nokia phone. Download the free app by going to app.charismamag.com.

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