
  • New Hampshire Stands Against Trans Surgeries for Kids

    New Hampshire Stands Against Trans Surgeries for Kids

    New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has signed a bill restricting transgender surgeries on children. As Catholic News Agency reported, Sununu also signed a bill that would keep biological male children from competing in girls’ sports. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! In a press statement, Sununu said: “…charged political statements have muddled

  • Musk Claims Deception Led to Son’s Use of Puberty Blockers: Blames ‘Woke Mind Virus’

    Musk Claims Deception Led to Son’s Use of Puberty Blockers: Blames ‘Woke Mind Virus’

    Billionaire businessman Elon Musk is revealing a very personal reason behind his decision to abandon the state of California as he goes to battle against woke ideology. He says he was deceived into allowing one of his children to be converted to transgender after being told his son would commit suicide if he didn’t approve

  • Joe Rogan and Dr. Phil Tackle the Lies of Child Transgenderism

    Joe Rogan and Dr. Phil Tackle the Lies of Child Transgenderism

    Two unlikely people are taking down the progressive lies fed to children about transgenderism. In a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast, Rogan and Dr. Phil discussed some of the issues plaguing our nation today from the repercussions of COVD-19 on society and internet security to the LGBTQ agenda being imposed on children.

  • Biden Admin Pushed Medical Experts to Remove Age Limits from Transgender Surgeries on Kids

    Biden Admin Pushed Medical Experts to Remove Age Limits from Transgender Surgeries on Kids

    The debate over surgeries for gender-confused minors is one of the most heated arguments of our time. Now there’s been a major revelation about how the Biden administration has pushed the transgender agenda when it comes to children. According to the New York Times, Biden officials played a significant role in convincing an international pro-transgender medical

  • ‘Only God’: Couple Finds Jesus After Previously Getting Married as Gay, Transgender

    ‘Only God’: Couple Finds Jesus After Previously Getting Married as Gay, Transgender

    “Only God can do that.” Those are the words of Lex Renick, a female who formerly identified as a transgender male before she and her husband—who used to identify as homosexual—came to faith in Jesus. Nic and Lex Renick got married May 30, 2020, when both of them were living out their LGBT lifestyles. They

  • Trans Hermit Speaks: ‘God Has Called Us Into This Church’

    Trans Hermit Speaks: ‘God Has Called Us Into This Church’

    A member of the transgender community is looking to find acceptance in the Catholic Church. Christian Matson, who was born as a female and later transitioned, believes that God has called transgender men and women into the church—and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. “You’ve got to deal with us because God has called

  • WATCH: Satan on Display During Global Music Competition

    WATCH: Satan on Display During Global Music Competition

    There’s no question if we’re living in dark times. Recently, the demonic realm was praised during a global music competition. The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 featured artists from all over Europe. However, the performance from Ireland was far from family friendly. The performer representing Ireland, Bambie Thug, stood in a ring with the outline of

  • Heinous Law Allows Parents to Transition Their Infants

    Heinous Law Allows Parents to Transition Their Infants

    A dangerous law is taking gender identity to the max. In the middle of April, the German Parliament decided to pass the “Self-Determination Act” or the SBGG. As Reduxx Magazine noted, this bill “establishes ‘gender identity’ as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth.” With

  • NOW’s Latest Pronouncement Would Confuse Even Karl Marx

    NOW’s Latest Pronouncement Would Confuse Even Karl Marx

    About 40 years ago, I saw an ad on Christian TV promoting a new translation of the Bible. It depicted King James being presented with a copy of the new translation bearing his name in 1611. Turning to one passage, the king read the words, “with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward” (Ps. 18:26).

  • Puberty Blockers Found to Have Potentially Life-Long Fertility Effects

    Puberty Blockers Found to Have Potentially Life-Long Fertility Effects

    After hearing how puberty blockers could be reversed, a study from the Mayo Clinic has found that this may not be the case. As Fox News first reported, the Mayo Clinic discovered how puberty blockers harmed male children who were studied, ages 17 and younger. Studying more than 130,000 sperm cells from the male children,

  • Why Biden Pointed America’s Attention Away From the Cross

    Why Biden Pointed America’s Attention Away From the Cross

    William McKane (1921- 2004) was a Jewish, Hebrew and Hebraic studies specialist. The distinguished Old Testament scholar and former professor emeritus of Hebrew and Oriental languages at St. Andrews University noted in his “Proverbs Commentary”: There is a kind of person who turns Yahweh’s order upside down and who tries to draw others into his

  • Planet Fitness: Catastrophe Grows with New Locker Room Arrest

    Planet Fitness: Catastrophe Grows with New Locker Room Arrest

    Planet Fitness is in turmoil again after a man was arrested for being completely nude in the ladies’ locker room. As the New York Post reported, 38-year-old Christopher Miller was arrested after entering and removing all of his clothing in the women’s locker room. He claimed to identify as a woman. Get your FREE CHARISMA

  • America Is in Moral Freefall

    America Is in Moral Freefall

    For many years now, it has been clear that America has been in a steep moral and spiritual decline, despite some genuine revival movements along with some holy pushback against the growing cultural insanity. But two recent examples confirm that we are now in moral freefall. The first is President Biden’s proclamation that March 31,

  • Supreme Court Denies Case of Christian Parents Whose Trans-Identifying Child Was Taken from Them

    Supreme Court Denies Case of Christian Parents Whose Trans-Identifying Child Was Taken from Them

    The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to take up the case of two Indiana parents who asked the court to intervene after the state’s Department of Child Services took their trans-identifying child away from them due to their biblical beliefs about sex and gender. This week the high court denied a writ of certiorari in

  • Morning Rundown: When Ice Spice Brought Satan to the Super Bowl

    Morning Rundown: When Ice Spice Brought Satan to the Super Bowl

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on When Ice Spice Brought Satan to the Super Bowl During the Super Bowl, God was given lots of glory throughout the night, except by one particular person: Ice Spice. The rapper joined Taylor Swift, who was there supporting her boyfriend, Travis Kelce. But not everything

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