The Blood

  • God Chose Us Even When We Didn’t Deserve It

    God Chose Us Even When We Didn’t Deserve It

    When Adam and Eve yielded to the snare of Satan, “the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings” (Gen. 3:7). Having lost their covering of God’s glory, Adam and Eve tried in vain to cover themselves by sewing

  • The Surprising Connection Between the Anointing and the Blood

    The Surprising Connection Between the Anointing and the Blood

    Every day in prayer I thank God for the work of the cross and the blood of Jesus Christ. Because the blood was shed there for our sins, the Holy Spirit came, and today we can know and experience God’s anointing on our lives and work. When we are empowered by the oil of the

  • There is Power in God’s Redemptive Truth

    There is Power in God’s Redemptive Truth

    Truth is not readily accepted or discussed in today’s culture. In fact, the standard today is to believe that there is no truth, rather each person has their own truth that they adhere to whatever is best and easiest for them. Yet, this is contradictory to what Scripture has to say. The Word says that

  • The Covering of God’s Blood

    The Covering of God’s Blood

    After I became a pastor, God gave me an understanding of the blood covenant that would forever change my life and ministry. One Saturday afternoon I had stayed home to study the Scriptures about the blood covenant so I could teach it to my congregation. I was sitting outside in the backyard of my home

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