
  • Deceived by Demons

    Deceived by Demons

    So many people believe that hell, Satan and demons are just a joke or fantasy. They base their belief on the lies they have heard taught by other deceived people or on their feelings. The Bible tells us Satan deceives unbelievers. Are you one of the deceived? Satan, who is the god of this world,

  • Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You

    Don’t Let Satan’s Mind Games Discourage You

    Many of my friends are walking through tough circumstances right now. One man’s business has failed. Another man is experiencing chronic pain, and doctors can’t find a medical solution. Another is battling an addiction. One married couple I know is struggling with infertility. And several friends are feeling they have failed as parents because their

  • Don’t Let Stress, Worry or Anxiety Consume Your Life

    Don’t Let Stress, Worry or Anxiety Consume Your Life

    Are you feeling weary, wondering if you’ll ever be healed or if your troubles will ever end? Don’t let stress, worry or anxiety consume your life. On the seventh day, God was not tired. Creation was finished, and man’s first full day on the earth with God was a day of rest. No wonder Jesus

  • The Enemy’s Containment Strategy

    The Enemy’s Containment Strategy

    During recent travels with an Open Doors colleague from Central Asia, he described an interesting dynamic in one of the countries he serves that is very opposed to the message of Christ.  (For security reasons, I won’t name the colleague or specific country.) There’s a group of believers there known by local authorities. In many of

  • The Threat of Freemasonry Within the Church

    The Threat of Freemasonry Within the Church

    Recently, Pastor Billy Crone joined Charisma Media to give a deep dive into the spiritual warfare that the church is engaged in today. Far too many people are either ignorant or unwilling to discuss the forces of Satan targeting Christianity, Crone says, but these are topics that leadership must teach for members to be educated

  • Enjoying Life God’s Way

    Enjoying Life God’s Way

    I have a burden to see people enjoy the life Jesus died to give them—and I want to see people not just talk about it but walk in it. John 10:10 (AMPC) says, “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and

  • Morning Rundown: ‘Only God’: Couple Finds Jesus After Previously Getting Married as Gay, Transgender

    Morning Rundown: ‘Only God’: Couple Finds Jesus After Previously Getting Married as Gay, Transgender

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories posted on ‘Only God’: Couple Finds Jesus After Previously Getting Married as Gay, Transgender “Only God can do that.” Those are the words of Lex Renick, a female who formerly identified as a transgender male before she and her husband—who used to identify as homosexual—came to

  • Is Pope Francis Truly a ‘Servant of Satan’?

    Is Pope Francis Truly a ‘Servant of Satan’?

    The spiritual warfare taking place around the world continues to manifest in more ways, as the Roman Catholic Archbishop who called Pope Francis a “servant of Satan” now faces ex-communication from the Catholic Church. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó posted on X that he has been summoned to the Vatican for an extrajudicial trial and is

  • Dragons in New York a Harbinger of Judgment, Says Jonathan Cahn

    Dragons in New York a Harbinger of Judgment, Says Jonathan Cahn

    Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, a New York Times best-selling author and speaker, reveals that dragons have appeared in various iconic locations in New York City. These sightings include Grand Central Station, Rockefeller Center, Citi Field, Wall Street and the Empire State Building. According to Cahn, while the dragon images are part of a campaign to promote

  • 3 Ways the Devil Wants to Attack Your Children

    3 Ways the Devil Wants to Attack Your Children

    “The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10). It is Satan’s ultimate goal to destroy the people of God in any way he can, dragging them down into the pit of hell, and your

  • Demonic Forces on the Rise: Perspectives from Jack Hibbs

    Demonic Forces on the Rise: Perspectives from Jack Hibbs

    For those paying attention and applying biblical discernment to the times in which we live in, an increase in demonic activity is evermore visible, according to Pastor Jack Hibbs. In a recent video, Hibbs, Senior and Founding Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, addressed demons and the increase in attention paid to them as opposed

  • Jonathan Cahn Unlocks 12 Signs of the End Times part 2

    Jonathan Cahn Unlocks 12 Signs of the End Times part 2

    Note: This is part 2 of 2 in a series. You can click here to read part 1. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has unlocked more of the 12 signs of the end times. These mysteries revolve largely around the death of Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, and his biblical connection to Israel. However, it’s not just Raisi

  • Resisting False Needs and Desires

    Resisting False Needs and Desires

    This is part one of a two-part article. Find part two at this link. I pray that you will download the truth from this teaching into your heart and that it would impart in you an understanding of how to do spiritual warfare in Yeshua’s name. Jesus said: “To him who overcomes, I will grant

  • The Mystery of the Inverted Angel Unlocked

    The Mystery of the Inverted Angel Unlocked

    Our understanding of good and evil is different than God’s. But can the angelic hosts themselves be deceived away from good and prompted toward evil? In a sermon, Jonathan Cahn uncovered the mystery surrounding the inverted angel and how this entity connects to the struggle between good and evil. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today!

  • Morning Rundown: Satanic Claims Arise Over King Charles’ Portrait

    Morning Rundown: Satanic Claims Arise Over King Charles’ Portrait

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Satanic Claims Arise Over King Charles’ Portrait With the recent unveiling of the first official portrait of King Charles III, much of the world recoiled in horror at the blood-red sight of it. Commissioned by British artist Jonathan Yeo, the monarch is surrounded by red,

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