
  • Cultivating the Spirit

    Cultivating the Spirit

    The fire of God comes from God. You cannot produce fire by yourself. No. 1, you must understand that the fire of God cannot be replicated. It is not something that comes from you. God is the one who provides the fire: the fire of His presence. The zeal. The passion. The desire for Him.

  • What Are You Focused On?

    What Are You Focused On?

    You cannot keep your eyes on the Holy Spirit and yourself. You cannot keep your eyes on yourself and on God and expect to be filled. So many times when we are in the presence of the Lord, He is wanting to minister to us or speak to our hearts. But our desire or how

  • The Real Reasons God Deserves Our Praise and Honor

    The Real Reasons God Deserves Our Praise and Honor

    In this season of secular acclaim for Grammy Award recipients and Super Bowl athletes, Jesus’ followers need to pause and ask ourselves, who really deserves our praise and honor? Many Protestants learned the Westminster Shorter Catechism as children. It summarizes mankind’s purpose when it teaches, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God.”  But how can we mortals do

  • Start Expecting and Inviting God’s Presence, Not Performance

    Start Expecting and Inviting God’s Presence, Not Performance

    The Bible is filled with messages to those who read it about just how important the presence of God is to the well-being of His people. God’s presence, woven throughout the Old and New Testaments, serves as a poignant reminder of His closeness, the guidance He offers and the intimate bond He shares with His

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