
  • I Was So Tired of Praying I Almost Gave Up

    I Was So Tired of Praying I Almost Gave Up

    I’ve been praying for a specific financial need related to my overseas ministry for several years. Missionary work is a challenge because 1) I’m certainly not a professional fundraiser, and 2) most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about needs in developing countries. Eventually I hit a spiritual wall. I was discouraged. I

  • Use God’s Wilderness Season for You to Bless the World

    Use God’s Wilderness Season for You to Bless the World

    All too often, we see hard-charging Christians take the bull by the horns and jump into the deep end of ministry only to realize they were not ready for what the Lord had planned for them. Times of preparation are a constant lesson taught in the Bible. David had many seasons in the wilderness before

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