
  • New Hampshire Stands Against Trans Surgeries for Kids

    New Hampshire Stands Against Trans Surgeries for Kids

    New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has signed a bill restricting transgender surgeries on children. As Catholic News Agency reported, Sununu also signed a bill that would keep biological male children from competing in girls’ sports. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! In a press statement, Sununu said: “…charged political statements have muddled

  • Parents Endure ‘Horror Story’ After ‘Art Club’ Encourages Daughter to Transition

    Parents Endure ‘Horror Story’ After ‘Art Club’ Encourages Daughter to Transition

    Since removing their daughter from a public school that was secretly steeped in transgender indoctrination, Jon and Erin Lee are exposing the godless, anti-family agenda that nearly destroyed them. Now they’re fighting their battle in the courts. The Lee family’s nightmare began in May of 2021 when a teacher invited their sixth-grade daughter, Chloe, to

  • Why are Parents Buying Their Kids This Demonic Toy?

    Why are Parents Buying Their Kids This Demonic Toy?

    Why are parents purchasing a rather demonic looking toy for their children? Build-A-Bear has decided to go to the dark side by selling a “Mothman” plush. The dark stuffed animal with piercing red eyes and wings looks far from what we would expect parents to be buying for their kids. However, this item was listed

  • 3 Ways the Devil Wants to Attack Your Children

    3 Ways the Devil Wants to Attack Your Children

    “The thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly,” (John 10:10). It is Satan’s ultimate goal to destroy the people of God in any way he can, dragging them down into the pit of hell, and your

  • Parental Warning: Disney Debuts ‘Gayest Star Wars Ever’

    Parental Warning: Disney Debuts ‘Gayest Star Wars Ever’

    Star Wars was never Christian, and really, neither was Disney, but they were two forms of fanciful entertainment from which families did not have to worry about radical left-wing indoctrination. Now, this is predominantly what they push out as product to the masses. With the newest iteration of streaming Star Wars content on the Disney+

  • Parental Outrage as School Keeps ‘Genderqueer Witch’ Speaker Under Wraps

    Parental Outrage as School Keeps ‘Genderqueer Witch’ Speaker Under Wraps

    America has reached a sad state in her education where students are simply not safe in public schools anymore. The threat of physical violence in many of the nation’s schools is not the only, or even most dangerous, factor facing young Americans today. It is the schools’ constant indoctrination into dark and deceptive practices and

  • Parents Praise God After Daughters Miraculously Saved From Nearly Drowning

    Parents Praise God After Daughters Miraculously Saved From Nearly Drowning

    Parents in northernmost Oklahoma are crediting God for miraculously intervening after their two young daughters survived a horrific near-drowning incident. “We do believe God was there,” Jacob McKnight, the little girls’ father, told KWTV-DT. “We believe that there’s a miracle at play.” The McKnights—who have three girls, 4-year-old Callie, 6-year-old Zoey, 1-year-old Eleanor and another on

  • ‘Praise God!’: Justin and Hailey Bieber’s Parents Give Glory to the Lord As Pregnancy Announcement Goes Viral

    ‘Praise God!’: Justin and Hailey Bieber’s Parents Give Glory to the Lord As Pregnancy Announcement Goes Viral

    Celebrity couple Justin and Hailey Bieber are having a baby, with the pop star and his model wife announcing the news Thursday on social media. “I have been waiting for this day,” Bieber’s mom, Pattie Mallette, said in an Instagram video commenting on the positive news. “Oh my gosh, I’m going to be a grandma!”

  • Florida Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

    Florida Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

    A Florida elementary school has dissolved its Fellowship of Christian Athletes club after the Freedom From Religion Foundation, an atheist activist group, pressured them to do so. Hamilton County School district had allowed the North Central Florida Fellowship of Christian Athletes to begin a new club at Hamilton Elementary, according to a statement from FFRF, an

  • The Unbiblical Bible Coming for Your Kids

    The Unbiblical Bible Coming for Your Kids

    Do we need a ‘normal’ bible for children? Bibles made for children to understand the Word of God are not a new phenomenon. However, when it comes the new fundraising by the organization known as The Bible for Normal People, their initiative for a new children’s bible is questionable at best. As Protestia noted, “God’s

  • 9-Year-Old Hero Sprints More Than a Mile Through Deadly Tornado to Save Parents

    9-Year-Old Hero Sprints More Than a Mile Through Deadly Tornado to Save Parents

    A 9-year-old is being hailed a hero after he sprinted over a mile in the middle of a deadly tornado to rescue his parents. Branson Baker was with his mom and dad April 27, when a brutal tornado—one of 15 to hit Oklahoma that day—swept through the state. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today! Stay

  • Disney Guest Concerned ‘Man Dressed in Drag’ Is Portraying Evil Queen at Resort: Report

    Disney Guest Concerned ‘Man Dressed in Drag’ Is Portraying Evil Queen at Resort: Report

    A guest who vacationed at The Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, was reportedly concerned after encountering a person he believed to be a male portraying a female villain during a character dining experience. The Disney employee in question was in character as the Evil Queen from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” according

  • Heinous Law Allows Parents to Transition Their Infants

    Heinous Law Allows Parents to Transition Their Infants

    A dangerous law is taking gender identity to the max. In the middle of April, the German Parliament decided to pass the “Self-Determination Act” or the SBGG. As Reduxx Magazine noted, this bill “establishes ‘gender identity’ as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth.” With

  • Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    Obeying Parents Is Not the Same as Honoring Parents

    We live in a broken world filled with broken families—families in which many sons and daughters have been raised to believe in the G-D of the Bible and to be responsible to live by the Ten Commandments. Most understand and do what they can to keep these commandments, but an increasing number struggle with the

  • Minnesota Walkout: Students and Teachers Oppose LGBTQ ‘Indoctrination’

    Minnesota Walkout: Students and Teachers Oppose LGBTQ ‘Indoctrination’

    BYLINE: Talia Wise/CBN News Nearly 2,000 Minnesota high school students opted out of an “LGBTQIA+ History and Culture” lesson earlier this month, according to a local parent’s rights group. The opt-outs came after Liberty Counsel, a non-profit legal group, sent a demand letter to Osseo Area Schools District 279, in March requesting that both teachers and students

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