Old Testament

  • Old Testament Origins Undergird Our New Testament Faith

    Old Testament Origins Undergird Our New Testament Faith

    This is part one of a two-part article. Watch for part two, coming soon to mycharisma.com. Beloved, there should be no separation in our thinking between the writings of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and those of the New Testament, called Brit Chadashah in Hebrew, which means New Covenant. The Lord never intended for us

  • Site of Angelic Massacre Uncovered Where 185,000 Perished

    Site of Angelic Massacre Uncovered Where 185,000 Perished

    In the book of 2 Kings chapter 19, King Hezekiah of Judah is facing a formidable enemy in Sennacherib, king of Assyria. The Assyrian army was at the gates of Jerusalem, and Hezekiah lifted up a prayer to the Lord for protection from his enemies. And the Lord answered. In 2 Kings 19:35, after Isaiah

  • How Pentecost Reversed an Old Testament Curse

    How Pentecost Reversed an Old Testament Curse

    The day of Pentecost is a critical day for Christians. Through the death of Jesus Christ, our sins have been atoned for, and through His Resurrection we can have eternal life. The day of Pentecost, however, is also key for our faith. It is the day the Holy Spirit came and filled the 120 followers

  • Psalm 94: A Prophetic Message for Our World Today

    Psalm 94: A Prophetic Message for Our World Today

    Is Psalm 94 providing a prophetic message for our world today? In one of his recent messages, Pastor Jack Hibbs uncovered the power behind Psalm 94 and what it means for our world today. Psalm 94 talks of the necessity for God to bring vengeance and deliverance from a broken world. Verses 4-6 read: They

  • Netflix’s ‘Testament: The Story of Moses’ Takes Audiences on a Journey of Faith and Discovery

    Netflix’s ‘Testament: The Story of Moses’ Takes Audiences on a Journey of Faith and Discovery

    Netflix’s newest sensation is captivating audiences worldwide with its three-part docudrama, “Testament: The Story of Moses.” Currently at the top spot as the most-watched streaming show, the series chronicles Moses’ remarkable journey from an outcast in exile to a revered prophet and leader. Narrated by actor Charles Dance, the series offers more than just a

  • Fascinating Evidence Found of Ancient City’s Destruction

    Fascinating Evidence Found of Ancient City’s Destruction

    Has new evidence been found of Sodom’s destruction? In one of his latest videos, Expedition Bible’s Joel Kramer discovered the various pieces of sulfur in the area that would have been Sodom and the neighboring towns which were destroyed at the same time. Taking the sulfur from each of the areas and putting them on

  • Has the River from the Garden of Eden Been Found?

    Has the River from the Garden of Eden Been Found?

    Has the Pishon River from the Garden of Eden been found? Among the key elements mentioned in the biblical narrative of the creation story, there are some features described that may help us to decipher where the Garden of Eden is located. The four rivers that flowed through Eden are the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and

  • The 400-Year Wait for Christmas Had a Purpose

    The 400-Year Wait for Christmas Had a Purpose

    With Christmas right around the corner, it can be easy to jump right to the conclusion of singing about the great joy that has come to the world as we look at the lights and the festivities around us. And it is true—there is great joy to be found in knowing that the Savior of

  • Eve’s Curse and the Gaza Dilemma

    Eve’s Curse and the Gaza Dilemma

    Like most rabbis, or for that matter, like most Jewish people around the world, I have been asked many questions over the past few months as people try to understand the current war in Israel (Please remember that the Gaza Strip is still within the borders of Israel). Some have asked me about the history

  • Emma Stark Reveals the Signs of a True Prophet

    Emma Stark Reveals the Signs of a True Prophet

    In an interview with Charisma News, Emma Stark unveiled the purpose of the prophet and how to tell if they are being honest or if they are only telling someone something they want to hear. The first thing she points out is that most people don’t go in with the intention to lead people down

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