Michael Brown

  • Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era?

    Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era?

    Have we finally come to the end of the road for the Christian celebrity era? In a recent podcast, Dr. Michael Brown tackled this subject and how God may be dealing with those who find themselves glued to the “celebrity” Christian mentality. “I truly believe that God, in these days that we’re living in and

  • Benny Hinn: Does He Need to Repent?

    Benny Hinn: Does He Need to Repent?

    Should Benny Hinn repent? It’s the question people have been asking for years. While Hinn has publicly apologized for the moments he says he got things wrong in ministry, there are still skeptics about his motives. In an exclusive interview with Stephen Strang on the Strang Report podcast, Hinn says he “came to the conclusion

  • What is the ‘Jezebel Spirit?’ Understanding Baal, Demonic Powers and Witchcraft

    What is the ‘Jezebel Spirit?’ Understanding Baal, Demonic Powers and Witchcraft

    What is the “Jezebel spirit?” Some have likely pondered this question in the wake of recent drama surrounding controversial Pastor Mark Driscoll. Radio host and author Dr. Michael Brown told CBN the “Jezebel spirit” is tied to a demoniacal figure in the Old Testament named Jezebel. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! “Jezebel is

  • Mike Bickle ‘Unfit to Lead a Ministry’ Say 8 Christian Leaders

    Mike Bickle ‘Unfit to Lead a Ministry’ Say 8 Christian Leaders

    In the wake of mounting allegations of sexual and spiritual abuse by IHOPKC founder Mike Bickle, eight prominent Christian leaders have released a joint statement declaring he should no longer be involved in ministry. These eight voices—Michael Brown, Jack Deere, Dan Juster, Patricia King, Joseph Mattera, Sam Storms, Michael Sullivant and Terri Sullivant—write that Bickle

  • Polyamory and the ‘Next Sexual Revolution’ That Has Been Here for Years

    Polyamory and the ‘Next Sexual Revolution’ That Has Been Here for Years

    On Jan. 23 I posted on X, “Five days ago @MattWalshBlog wrote, ‘This is now the fourth article in a major media publication in the span of one week pushing ‘polyamory.’” Today, the @WSJ noted that ‘polyamory is having a moment.’ Perhaps this article that I wrote in 2012, called, ‘The Next Sexual Revolution Has

  • Morning Rundown: Jenny Weaver Warns of the Two Priesthoods Rising in 2024

    Morning Rundown: Jenny Weaver Warns of the Two Priesthoods Rising in 2024

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Jenny Weaver Warns of the Two Priesthoods Rising in 2024 The new year of 2024 has been prophesied over by lots of different voices and ministry leaders, many of which who have warned about a need to cling to Jesus to avoid coming darkness and

  • 2023: The Year of the Digital Jehu

    2023: The Year of the Digital Jehu

    In a prophetic word for 2023, Alexander Pagani shared that this past year would be the year that the digital Jehu would rise up with a boldness for the gospel. But who fit that description this year? Just as Jehu wasn’t afraid of Jezebel, the Jehus were not to be afraid of standing up for

  • Proving the Slippery Slope: The Growing Acceptance of Polygamy

    Proving the Slippery Slope: The Growing Acceptance of Polygamy

    For decades, conservative Christians have been warning about our nation’s slide down the proverbial slippery slope, only to be rebuffed for crying wolf. “There is no slippery slope!” we have been told repeatedly. That’s why, for quite a few years now, I have documented just how real (and slippery) that slope is. For example, in

  • What John Calvin Got Wrong About the Restoration of the Kingdom

    What John Calvin Got Wrong About the Restoration of the Kingdom

    The book of Acts records that, after the resurrection of Jesus, He appeared to the apostles “over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3c, NIV). This was in addition to the three-plus years they had spent with Him before His crucifixion, sitting at His feet and drinking in

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