Martin Luther

  • The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    The Insidious Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

    A Christian social media influencer with a large platform recently texted me after reading my 2021 book “Christian Antisemitism: Confronting the Lies in Today’s Church.” He was burdened and grieved by the contents of the book, saying to me, “This needs to be updated!” I responded, “That’s the problem. The book was an update to

  • Martin Luther’s Bad Idea

    Martin Luther’s Bad Idea

    On March 10, 1528, Martin Luther published a book that changed the course of history. And not for the better. His book, “The Book of Vagabonds and Beggars,” proposed that the state should establish a social welfare system to replace the church in caring for the poor. Up until that time, the church had made

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