Mark Cuban

  • Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and the Question of Diversity Hiring in the NBA

    Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and the Question of Diversity Hiring in the NBA

    In a previous article, I referenced the X interaction between Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, and Elon Musk, the richest man in the world. Their interaction focused on the subject of diversity, equity and inclusion and hiring practices, leading to a very sharp barb by Musk. (More on that

  • Michael Brown: Woke Won’t Work

    Michael Brown: Woke Won’t Work

    For many years, I have been predicting a cultural pushback against the radical left, knowing that, at a certain point, people would say, “Enough is enough.” I have documented this in particular when it comes to transgender activism, with people as diverse as Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, J. K. Rowling and Martina Navratilova

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