end times

  • The Five Financial Keys for the Future of the Kingdom

    The Five Financial Keys for the Future of the Kingdom

    When it comes to end times matters, one of the most overlooked principles is in regards to financial needs. As things continue to shift with technology and with the economic system of the world, believers will need to be prepared for all things that will be heading our way as we await the return of

  • Alan DiDio: 3 Errors Kim Clement Repented of Before His Death

    Alan DiDio: 3 Errors Kim Clement Repented of Before His Death

    Technology has opened up incredible doors for building the kingdom of God. With instant, global communications, old words from prophetic voices are able to be shared with a new generation who have yet to hear the wisdom and power of God behind them. Bishop Alan DiDio of Encounter Today recently expounded upon an interview of

  • Coming Soon: Tech Tools With the Mark of the Beast?

    Coming Soon: Tech Tools With the Mark of the Beast?

    Many would argue that we are already living in a dystopian society. But if those who are currently running things get their way, our world will soon look far more dystopian than it does now. Over the past few years, we have seen an unprecedented explosion of new technologies. Some of these technologies appear to

  • Are We Headed Toward the Era of the AI-Generated Family?

    Are We Headed Toward the Era of the AI-Generated Family?

    With the rapid growth of artificial intelligence and signs of end times all around us, the question to ask is: what does humanity look like as we move forward? And, are we moving toward the era of the AI-generated family? We are created in the image of God and we were made to know and

  • Is the Son of Perdition Now Being Revealed?

    Is the Son of Perdition Now Being Revealed?

    “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple

  • Perry Stone: Demonic Weather Growing More Dangerous and Frequent

    Perry Stone: Demonic Weather Growing More Dangerous and Frequent

    In the newest episode of “Manna-Fest with Perry Stone,” the evangelist poses a scenario in which few regularly identify a correlation: demonic activity and the weather. The spiritual realm intersects with every aspect of existence as truth manifests in parallel dimensions. Both the natural and the spiritual coexist, and frequently, natural occurrences carry spiritual meanings

  • Was Jack Hibbs’ Prayer at the U.S. House a Judgment Day Warning?

    Was Jack Hibbs’ Prayer at the U.S. House a Judgment Day Warning?

    There’s nothing that will make a politician more squeamish than a prayer for national repentance. And that is exactly what happened when Pastor Jack Hibbs prayed before the U.S. House of Representatives. After being endorsed as a guest chaplain by House Speaker Mike Johnson, Hibbs’ appearance at the U.S. House of Representatives proved how necessary

  • Is This AI System Picking Sides in the Israel-Palestine Conflict?

    Is This AI System Picking Sides in the Israel-Palestine Conflict?

    Google’s Gemini continues to face the heat when it comes to the type of content the AI text generator is producing. As Google faces backlash for Gemini’s racially charged programming, progressive agenda flaws continue to be found in the system, including antisemitism. While Gemini would not create any images of people with white skin, including

  • Three Biblical Points of Suspense Leading to the Messiah

    Three Biblical Points of Suspense Leading to the Messiah

    Everything that we see happening around us in the world today, is the build up of a suspense to something greater. From Genesis through Revelation, every single biblical story and prophecy, fulfilled and unfulfilled, shows an incline, a build up to something greater, with the ultimate fulfillment of God’s eternal covenant with His people forever.

  • Jonathan Cahn Unveils The Cat in the Hat Principle

    Jonathan Cahn Unveils The Cat in the Hat Principle

    What does a Dr. Seuss story have to do with the kingdom of God? There’s no question that Dr. Seuss’ stories transformed the world, sharing creativity and values with families for decades that are worth passing along to their children. But what similarity does Seuss’ classic ‘The Cat in the Hat’ have to do with

  • Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: WWJD: Close IHOP? Attend Gay ‘Wedding’? Adjust Multimillion-Dollar Ad?

    Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: WWJD: Close IHOP? Attend Gay ‘Wedding’? Adjust Multimillion-Dollar Ad?

    Jesus told us that at the end of the age, deception would be the No. 1 sign prior to His return. Are you aware of that which is swirling around us to lead us on the wrong path? How about your church and your children? Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now!

  • Sign of the End Times? Greg Laurie Breaks Down Magog, Ezekiel Prophecies, and Hamas Horror

    Sign of the End Times? Greg Laurie Breaks Down Magog, Ezekiel Prophecies, and Hamas Horror

    War. Rumors of war. Chaos. Love of the self. Some might argue the signs of the end of days are all around us, with current events sparking plenty of questions about our proximity to the biblical end times. Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, is among those who have openly discussed

  • Is This The End? Open AI Co-Founder Seeking $7 Trillion for a ‘Chip Project’

    Is This The End? Open AI Co-Founder Seeking $7 Trillion for a ‘Chip Project’

    What would you do with $7 trillion? Co-founder and CEO of Open AI, Sam Altman is planning to raise money for his latest chip project, however, the estimated cost of this project isn’t cheap. Altman believes it will take $5-$7 trillion dollars to raise the necessary funds. According to Business Insider, Altman wants to create

  • Iran Conducts War Drills In Preparation for a Strike On Israel

    Iran Conducts War Drills In Preparation for a Strike On Israel

    In a provocative move, Iran conducted war drills, test firing advanced ballistic missiles Feb. 13, as part of its preparations for a potential strike on Israeli military sites housing American-made F-35 fighter jets. The state-controlled media in the Islamic Republic reported that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps led the drills, simulating the destruction of hangars

  • Morning Rundown: The Connection Between Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday

    Morning Rundown: The Connection Between Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: The Connection Between Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday As we approach both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday, it can be asked, is there a connection between these two events? While both holidays are about drastically different events, they do have some fascinating intersections and differences.

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