end times

  • Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: The Last Thing Jesus Said to Me

    Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: The Last Thing Jesus Said to Me

    God gave me an out-of-body experience and showed me hell in a vision. As I was traveling up a dark tunnel out of hell, I could see countless numbers of people who had died on the earth falling down this whirlwind tunnel into hell. The Lord allowed me to feel just a small piece of

  • Jonathan Cahn Reveals the End Times Hanukkah Mystery

    Jonathan Cahn Reveals the End Times Hanukkah Mystery

    In a recent video, Jonathan Cahn revealed the end times mystery of apostasy as it relates to Hanukkah. “People have a picture that it’s going to be suddenly evil comes on the world as if the Antichrist just flew in from another world, turns everything upside down, takes over some evil government, comes into power.

  • Top of the Week: 40-Year Friend: Beware of Evil Reports Regarding Mike Bickle

    Top of the Week: 40-Year Friend: Beware of Evil Reports Regarding Mike Bickle

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on mycharisma.com. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. 40-Year Friend: Beware of Evil Reports Regarding Mike Bickle Years ago, I had a divine appointment with Billy Graham and asked for advice. Pointing to his Bible, he

  • Morning Rundown: Will Disney’s Film Flops Finally Wake Up This ‘Woke’ Corporation?

    Morning Rundown: Will Disney’s Film Flops Finally Wake Up This ‘Woke’ Corporation?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Will Disney’s Film Flops Finally Wake Up This ‘Woke’ Corporation? There comes a time when we must stand for righteousness. Disney threatened Elon Musk with pulling X (formerly Twitter) advertising, and he didn’t cave. Musk bought X for $44 billion to counter intimidation and preserve

  • Are We Nearing the End? Americans Sounding Off on End Times

    Are We Nearing the End? Americans Sounding Off on End Times

    In a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, a striking revelation emerged—40% of U.S. adults believe that we are “living in the end times.” This substantial portion of the population holds a conviction that our current era is characterized by apocalyptic significance, raising questions about the factors influencing these beliefs and their prevalence

  • 2023: The Prophetic Events Leading Up to the Invasion on Israel

    2023: The Prophetic Events Leading Up to the Invasion on Israel

    As 2023 wraps up, the questions could be asked: “Which prophetic words were fulfilled?” and “Which ones we should still be on the lookout to see what comes to pass?” As the Lord would have it, the state of Israel was placed on the hearts of many, mere months before war broke out. There are

  • 2024 Unveiled: Prophetic Perspectives With Joseph Z

    2024 Unveiled: Prophetic Perspectives With Joseph Z

    In a recent Charisma News interview, prophetic voice Joseph Z provided a compelling glimpse into the spiritual landscape of 2024, offering insights that go beyond the confines of a mere calendar year. The prophetic message is laden with impactful words, dividing the future into distinct segments that demand our attention and, more importantly, our collective

  • Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Morning Rundown: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation? Will God allow the church to go through the Tribulation? Since Christians have been tortured and killed throughout the last 2,000 years for their faith in Jesus Christ, many people believe that the answer to that question is

  • Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Will Christians Be Part of the Tribulation?

    Will God allow the church to go through the Tribulation? Since Christians have been tortured and killed throughout the last 2,000 years for their faith in Jesus Christ, many people believe that the answer to that question is yes. Why would God spare us if He didn’t spare them? The Tribulation is defined as the

  • End-Times Alarm: AI and the Beast

    End-Times Alarm: AI and the Beast

    Today, experts in the field have been sounding the alarm, warning of the dark side of artificial intelligence. We know AI can be used for both good and evil, but let’s think about the people in power who direct the creation and programming of AI. Are these godly individuals with a moral compass and biblical

  • Morning Rundown: Monster Unleashed: Skillet’s John Cooper Takes a Stand Against Cultural Compromise

    Morning Rundown: Monster Unleashed: Skillet’s John Cooper Takes a Stand Against Cultural Compromise

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on charismamag.com: Monster Unleashed: Skillet’s John Cooper Takes a Stand Against Cultural Compromise In a recent interview with Charisma News, Skillet frontman, John Cooper, both a musician and author, delved into the complexities of our ever-changing culture. Cooper’s insights, drawn from his experiences and observations, are captured

  • End-Times Reminder: He Is Coming!

    End-Times Reminder: He Is Coming!

    “Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In the seventh month on the first of the month you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation'” (Lev. 23:24, NASB). All of God’s appointed holy days have dual applications: first in their original historical context to Israel, and second as they

  • 5 Lies The Church Has Accepted in an Anti-Christian Culture

    5 Lies The Church Has Accepted in an Anti-Christian Culture

    Dr. Rosaria Butterfield exposed the truth about the lackadaisical approach Christianity, and especially ministries, have taken in relation to the LGBTQ agenda. While many today who have since come out of that lifestyle have been told by Christians that this is the thing they will always struggle with or that they will never be able

  • Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

    Icelandic Evacuation: Are Earthquakes Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy?

    In a quiet Icelandic town, Grindavik, a state of emergency has been declared, and residents have evacuated their homes due to the threat of a volcano eruption. The ground beneath them is trembling with a surge in seismic activity, prompting authorities to take swift action. As thousands of earthquakes and tremors shake the southwestern peninsula

  • Morning Rundown: Prophetic Puzzle Unfolding: Gog and Magog in Today’s World

    Morning Rundown: Prophetic Puzzle Unfolding: Gog and Magog in Today’s World

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on mycharisma.com: Prophetic Puzzle Unfolding: Gog and Magog in Today’s World In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, Steven Khoury, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Bethlehem, ministers to his congregation in the heart of the West Bank, a region marked by complexity and

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