
  • Consider Biblical Budgeting for Tax-Time Relief

    Consider Biblical Budgeting for Tax-Time Relief

    For many people, tax time and an unexpected tax bill bring shortcomings in family financial planning into painful focus. Yet often the attempt to bring financial balance is itself a painful process that leads to failure and frustration. Many treat their budget like a New Year’s resolution and ignore it after a few weeks. Then

  • Dealing With Debt: Our Family Budgets and the Travesty of Our Nation’s Out-of-Control Spending

    Dealing With Debt: Our Family Budgets and the Travesty of Our Nation’s Out-of-Control Spending

    Throughout our married lives, both of our families have fought off and on with debt. It has been a constant battle, and especially in our younger years, debt had a significant control over us. Whether it was unavoidable circumstances like an unforeseen medical bill, a house flood or a broken vehicle, or whether it was

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