
  • Florida Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

    Florida Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

    A Florida elementary school has dissolved its Fellowship of Christian Athletes club after the Freedom From Religion Foundation, an atheist activist group, pressured them to do so. Hamilton County School district had allowed the North Central Florida Fellowship of Christian Athletes to begin a new club at Hamilton Elementary, according to a statement from FFRF, an

  • World Famous Atheist Identifies as a ‘Cultural Christian’

    World Famous Atheist Identifies as a ‘Cultural Christian’

    Is Richard Dawkins one step closer to Jesus? The world-famous atheist and evolutionary biologist is calling himself a ‘cultural Christian’ in light of the lack of Easter celebrations in London, where Ramadan festivities lit up the city instead. As Fox News reported, Dawkins said in an interview with LBC, “I must say I’m slightly horrified

  • Why Did This Christian Voice Say Abortion is Good for Babies?

    Why Did This Christian Voice Say Abortion is Good for Babies?

    For most Christians, the concept of abortion is morally wrong and goes against God’s command to not kill. So, why did this Christian voice say that the killing of babies can be good for them? Philosopher and apologist William Lane Craig discussed the issue of the murder as discussed in the Bible with atheist Alex

  • Morning Rundown: Did Jonathan Cahn’s 2023 Predictions Come True?

    Morning Rundown: Did Jonathan Cahn’s 2023 Predictions Come True?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Did Jonathan Cahn’s 2023 Predictions Come True? At the beginning of 2023, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn gave a message that recapped the previous year and brought hope for the year to come. Now as we look back a year later, we can see that what he

  • The Rise of Blasphemous ‘Atheist Churches’

    The Rise of Blasphemous ‘Atheist Churches’

    In an age where we see more people continuing to leave the church, it’s no surprise that “atheist churches” are on the rise. Yes, that’s right. Christians aren’t the only ones going to church these days. While varying religious groups all over the world have always gathered to worship, what’s interesting is that more non-religious

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