Amir Tsarfati

  • Three Biblical Points of Suspense Leading to the Messiah

    Three Biblical Points of Suspense Leading to the Messiah

    Everything that we see happening around us in the world today, is the build up of a suspense to something greater. From Genesis through Revelation, every single biblical story and prophecy, fulfilled and unfulfilled, shows an incline, a build up to something greater, with the ultimate fulfillment of God’s eternal covenant with His people forever.

  • Morning Rundown: Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession

    Morning Rundown: Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Testimony From Hell Reveals the Secret to Demon Possession Can demons possess humans, and if so, how does it happen? After Howard Pittman descended into hell after experiencing actual, physical death, he saw the reality of hell and how the demonic works to snare God’s

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