• Why Are Women Flocking to AI-Generated Boyfriends?

    Why Are Women Flocking to AI-Generated Boyfriends?

    Perhaps one of the scariest parts of artificial intelligence is how it is being used as a substitute for true, human companionship. In a new report by Axios, it was revealed how women in particularly are being drawn to using ‘companion apps’ to seek out love and connection. According to Axios, “Engagement on companion apps

  • Pageant Crowns Robot as Beauty Queen

    Pageant Crowns Robot as Beauty Queen

    The definition of beauty has been forever altered. The latest beauty pageant winner is not female, and not even a man disguised as a woman. This time, the fairest in all the land is a robot. Yes, that’s right; a robot has taken the crown for its beauty. Get your FREE CHARISMA NEWSLETTERS today! Stay

  • AI Innovation Eases Content Creation for Church Leaders

    AI Innovation Eases Content Creation for Church Leaders

    Artificial intelligence, much like the internet, is here and it looks like it is here to stay. While many are still weary of the new technologies, with many of the minds on the frontline of its development warning of the dangers associated with the unproven AI, others are pushing forward into the new frontier in

  • Morning Rundown: Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era?

    Morning Rundown: Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era?

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Are We at the End of the Christian Celebrity Era? Have we finally come to the end of the road for the Christian celebrity era? In a recent podcast, Dr. Michael Brown tackled this subject and how God may be dealing with those who find

  • Meta AI Erroneously Labels Christian Worship Leaders as Gay

    Meta AI Erroneously Labels Christian Worship Leaders as Gay

    Artificial intelligence, and the corporations behind their programming, continue to give us reason after reason not to trust the accuracy or validity of the answers they regurgitate to hundreds of millions of users each day. Recently, singer and musician Cory Asbury, who rose to fame with his “Reckless Love” worship song, recorded his shock and

  • AI Powered by Lab-Grown ‘Organoid’ Human Brains

    AI Powered by Lab-Grown ‘Organoid’ Human Brains

    When I first started researching this, I could hardly believe that it was true. A company in Switzerland known as “Final Spark” has constructed a bizarre hybrid biocomputer that combines lab-grown miniature human brains with conventional electronic circuits. This approach saves an extraordinary amount of energy compared to normal computers, but there is a big

  • Exploring Tech: Christian University Bridges Faith and AI

    Exploring Tech: Christian University Bridges Faith and AI

    Biola University has launched a groundbreaking AI Lab rooted in biblical values. The initiative aims to ensure that Christians are not left behind in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. “The AI Lab at Biola University is a dedicated space where students, faculty and staff converge to explore the intricacies of artificial intelligence,” Dr.

  • Next Adventures With AI Claude, the Contrite Poet

    Next Adventures With AI Claude, the Contrite Poet

    Working with the AI bot Claude is, in no particular order, frustrating, hilarious and amazing. When “he” gets things right, the knowledge base is beyond staggering. (Yes, I know I’m dealing with an “it,” but Claude has so much personality that I’ll stay with “he.”) I asked Claude some questions from my wife, Nancy, about

  • WATCH: End Time Signs of the Coming Great Day

    WATCH: End Time Signs of the Coming Great Day

    “Now the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will depart from the faith and pay attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron” ( 1 Tim. 4:1-2). There are many who are sounding the call to the days we live

  • New Weapons for a New Threat: Will AI, Robots and Deepfakes Change Everything?

    New Weapons for a New Threat: Will AI, Robots and Deepfakes Change Everything?

    In our rapidly advancing digital age, technologies such as artificial intelligence robots, deepfakes and other innovations are poised as game changers in how we live, work and perceive our world. These advancements present both unprecedented opportunities and significant challenges. The people of God and the church must be proactive rather than reactive in addressing these

  • AI ‘Priest’ Scrapped After Saying Babies Can Be Baptized in Gatorade

    AI ‘Priest’ Scrapped After Saying Babies Can Be Baptized in Gatorade

    Artificial Intelligence sure has a long way to go when it comes to having a human understanding of cultural issues. Take “Father Justin” for example. This is an AI chatbot developed by a Catholic charity that was designed to “provide users with faithful and educational answers to questions about Catholicism,” according to Catholic Answers. Well,

  • Is This New Technology Part of End Times Prophecy?

    Is This New Technology Part of End Times Prophecy?

    Are the most recent technological inventions a fulfillment of end times prophecy? One of the most recent warnings about facial recognition technology is its potential to predict the political orientation of people simply based on their photos, even without expressions. Fox News reported a study by the American Psychologist journey which says artificial intelligence’s ability

  • Prophecy for Elon Musk: ‘I Sit on the Highest Throne’

    Prophecy for Elon Musk: ‘I Sit on the Highest Throne’

    Is God sending Elon Musk a prophetic message? In one of her latest livestreams, prophetic voice Amanda Grace said the Lord downloaded a lengthy, but important message to her about Elon Musk. “The Lord gave me a word for Elon Musk,” Grace said. “I’ve been sitting on this word for three days to pray about

  • When Will AI Outsmart Humans?

    When Will AI Outsmart Humans?

    Will artificial intelligence supersede human intellect sooner than we thought? As we see the rapid rise in AI’s capabilities, many may be wondering if it can or will pass by the intelligence level of people. After all, with programs like ChatGPT, designs, images and writing are already produced at a much quicker pace than humans

  • Top of the Week: 5 Ways AI Is Summoning the Antichrist Agenda

    Top of the Week: 5 Ways AI Is Summoning the Antichrist Agenda

    Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. 5 Ways AI Is Summoning the Antichrist Agenda Just how dangerous is artificial intelligence? Could it be used to do the unthinkable—summon demons? In an exclusive interview with

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