Women of God—Now Is Your Time

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Ann Mulchan

Woman worshipping

God uses women mightily and strategically to accomplish His purposes. Women tend to be hardworking, loyal and faithful. There are some things women instinctively know how to do so God uses them in unique ways. If you take time to read about Ruth, Mary, Rachel, Deborah, Esther and others in the Bible, you will see that they became participators in the grand purpose of fulfilling God’s plan.

No task was too great or too small. God entrusted much to His daughters, knowing full well they would obey. The same is true today.

God created you for such a time as this. When He formed you and breathed His life into you, He knew the plans He had for you. This is your hour to rise up and take your position to fulfill your God-given role in the kingdom of God.

The Lord has already trained, equipped and prepared you, so awaken your passion for the kingdom of God and for the strategic times we are in now. Your specific role and function is vital in these days. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, God is calling you out and challenging you to get to work and touch and impact those around you with the good news of the gospel.

The responsibilities are so great for the times in which we live, but He is there each step of the way to uphold, refresh and strengthen you for the task at hand. Seek Him and He will direct you. Listen intently and you will hear Him speak. He will instruct you in the things that pertain to your unique calling and your expressed purpose.

The heroic women of the Bible were hardworking and diligent. They were quick to obey and do what God required of them. They persevered and persisted in the things of God in spite of intense hardships.

I believe the same determination is needed today. He is requiring you to stand firm and come forth. He trusts you and calls you to come alongside Him and partner with heaven to accomplish your end-time mandates.

What is He calling you to do? What is He prompting deep within your heart?

I admonish you, woman of God, to press in to Jesus. Seek the one who watches over you and loves you with an eternal love. As He opens divine doors and unique opportunities, take hold and allow Him to put His Word in your mouth and use you to encourage, exhort and minister to others.

Take your position in the army of God and get ready to embark on a unique and incredible journey. Your destiny is calling you by name. You are needed to fulfill the end-time mandate.

Join the others who have gone before you and enlist in the army of God. Now is your time to fulfill your guaranteed calling!

Prayer Power for the Week of January 5, 2015

This week ask God to open the doors of opportunity for you to walk through. Thank Him for directing your steps and tell Him you embrace His perfect will for your life. Take the first step by praying specifically for the things God has already placed in your heart. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the Middle East, the persecuted church and our governmental leaders. Pray that God will send revival and for it to spread across the nation and around the world (Esther 4:14).

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