Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

You Would Never Think God Would Use This

Yet He has done this many times to our surprise.

Are you a dreamer? A planner of big plans and a believer for miraculous things? I hope you are. And if you are, you’re probably watching and waiting for God to do something amazing through your life. Then here’s a tip: God will always begin with what is in your hand—even if it seems insignificant.

We see this dynamic played out when God is talking to Moses during their encounter at the burning bush. After Moses relayed a list of reasons why he could not be the one to lead God’s people from their captivity, God replied, “What is that in your hand?”

“A staff,” Moses responded (Ex. 4:2).

Moses would go on to use that staff to perform miraculous signs in Egypt. But I have to wonder if Moses was thinking the staff was a rather common object. After all, a staff is really just an upgraded stick. Moses must have thought there was nothing particularly extraordinary about what he held. And it is true there is nothing extraordinary about any of us—until God begins to anoint what is in our hands.

Look at these examples:

  • Jael had a mallet and tent peg to slay the commander of the enemy’s army.
  • Samson had a donkey jawbone to kill a thousand men.
  • Samuel had anointing oil to proclaim a shepherd boy king.
  • David had a sling and stones to conquer the mighty Philistine champion.
  • An unnamed little boy had five loaves and two fish to feed a multitude.
  • A broken daughter had an alabaster jar filled with oil to anoint Jesus.

Why are we always so busy looking for what is out of the ordinary when God is simply asking for what is in our hands? The common becomes mighty when He anoints it.

Today I encourage you, offer God whatever He has placed in your hand—whatever is in your care or control. This could be money, possessions, talents, influence or abilities. What is it you hold? Offer it up for heavenly purposes and see what God will do. As we release what is in our hands, He releases what is in His.

Let’s pray together:

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. I ask You to show me what is in my hand. I want to see Your mighty power revealed everywhere I have influence. Father, anoint the areas of my life where Your Word has been made flesh. I will write, I will speak, I will sing, I will give, I will create, I will serve. I will steward my life wisely. I want to make a difference in my world and in the lives of others. Show me the power of what is in my hand so I can be an answer to the problems that surround me, for Your glory and Your kingdom! In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you want to dig deeper into this subject, check out Lisa Bevere’s book Fight Like a Girl: The Power of Being a Woman.

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