- Name the two options you’re trying to decide between at the top of a sheet of paper. Often these will simply be either taking this new step vs. not taking it.
- Now add four quadrants below your two options; you’ll have areas to record positives and negatives for both.
- In each column, list the positives and negatives—the reasons for or against both options. Empty out each of your heart motives onto the paper. Be honest and thorough. Ask God to help you sift your heart and consider each of your motivations separately. Here’s an example of what your chart might look like:
- Now, here’s the most important part: Go back and evaluate each motivation you have listed in your four quadrants. Take a big, black marker and cross out any motivation that is driven by fear, insecurity, selfishness, false humility or inadequacy. As you do this, surrender these false motivators, which are not from God. (For practice, you might want to use my sample to consider which motivations need to be crossed off.)
- Now, look at what is left standing. These are the right motivations of your heart! Your decision should be made based on these motivators, not the ones behind the black ink.
When you eliminate wrong motives from your decision making, you are more free than ever to follow God’s leading. You aren’t held back by fear or doubt. You aren’t driven by selfishness or approval addiction.
One word of caution: Crossing off a false motivator with a black marker does not mean you’re finished with it. (I wish!) Even the most mature woman of God must continue to check for creeping selfishness, fear, pride and doubt. But the Heart Sifter is a multiple-use tool!
As we eliminate false motivators, we unite our hearts to serve the Lord—not ourselves—in bold, new, creative ways.
Have you ever set out to serve and give, then found yourself wanting to receive affirmation and get recognition? It’s so important, especially as we consider expanding our ministries, to weight our hearts and eliminate wrong motives. How will you use the Heart Sifter this week to get clarity on what God is leading you to do? {eoa}
Copyright © 2001-2016 Revive Our Hearts Shannon Popkin is a speaker and writer from Grand Rapids, Michigan, who enjoys blending her love for humor and storytelling with her passion for God’s Word. Shannon’s first book, Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control From 7 Women of the Bible will be published by Kregel Publications in 2016. On her blog, Shannon shares “Tiny Paragraphs” from everyday life as a wife and mom—stories which gain significance as they are tucked back into the One True Story of God.