Shannon Popkin

  • What God Would Have You Do While You Wait for Your Calling

    What God Would Have You Do While You Wait for Your Calling

    Years ago, my husband got a new job, and we moved to a new town. As we joined a new church, I thought, I’ll never get to serve God again. These people don’t even know me. They especially don’t know what I’m good at. In my previous church, I had led the children’s choir—a role

  • 5 Telltale Signs You Aren’t Letting God Have Control

    5 Telltale Signs You Aren’t Letting God Have Control

    Control girls often don’t realize that they’re control girls. I sure didn’t. I spent the first 35 years of my life completely oblivious to my control issues. I knew I was arguing with my husband. I knew there was tension with coworkers. I knew I was frustrated with friends and family members. I just didn’t

  • What Jesus’ Mother Can Teach Us About Crucifying Our Inner Control Freak

    What Jesus’ Mother Can Teach Us About Crucifying Our Inner Control Freak

    Christmas often brings out the worst in me. Every year, when I flip the calendar to December, I get caught up in making Christmas turn out “right.” It’s supposed to be the “most wonderful time of the year,” but knowing this only causes me to have heightened expectations about how everything should look and taste

  • Plucking Out the Divisive Wedge in Your Relationships

    Plucking Out the Divisive Wedge in Your Relationships

    There was only one time my mother-in-law and I “had words.” During my second year of marriage, in the middle of discussing an unrelated misunderstanding, my mother-in-law brought up the topic of my wedding. She didn’t have kind things to say. As she spoke, I felt a spike of self-righteous indignation. How dare she say

  • Watch Out for This Fruitless, Deceptive Motive

    Watch Out for This Fruitless, Deceptive Motive

    One night I opened an email from a woman I didn’t know who thanked me for a blog post I had written. She mentioned that a certain ministry—one I had never heard of—had shared my work. I wonder if others have shared this post too, I thought, and I immediately searched online for the article’s

  • Demolish Accusing Spirits With This Heavenly Mindset

    Demolish Accusing Spirits With This Heavenly Mindset

    As the neighbor boys on my front porch turned to go, I slammed the door and marched to the kitchen to find the phone. “Mike?” I said into the phone two seconds later. “Your boys just left, but I want you to know they did notapologize. They claim they did not shoot at my son!”

  • When You Feel Unappreciated and Belittled

    When You Feel Unappreciated and Belittled

    I walked into the building, my heels clicking on the church sidewalk and my arm loaded with my Bible and a stack of handouts. As a mom of three little ones, it was no small task to arrive on time, with my heart and message ready to go. But ready I was! When I got

  • Releasing Control of Your Adult Children

    Releasing Control of Your Adult Children

    “Sit down so I can comb your hair.” “Don’t touch the pretties.” “Stay in your bed till Mommy comes to get you.” These are things I said repeatedly to my children when they were little. But now that my kids are all taller than me, it would be strange to still insist on doing their

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