This Mom’s Priceless Spiritual Legacy

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Meredith Mills


A new text message lit up the screen of my iPhone. I opened it to find a long note from my mom containing a list she’s compiled of over 350 names and attributes of God.

The day before, she and I had chatted about my fascination with learning God’s names as a means to knowing Him better. She mentioned that she thinks through the alphabet and corresponding names of God as she falls asleep at night. I had asked her to send me the list she’s put together.

When I received the text message the next day, I smiled at this glimpse into her walk with the Lord and realized what a priceless gift she’s given me through her own quietly cultivated heart for Christ. I’ve experienced the impact of her love for Him—both as a child and as an adult.

A few nights later, my own daughter couldn’t fall asleep. I told her what her Tutu does when she can’t sleep. (“Tutu” is the kids’ name for my mom.) I encouraged my daughter to follow her Tutu’s example.

My mom’s legacy reaches down through the generations.

Moms and dads, our secret actions have eternal impact. Prioritizing our friendship with God:

  • Models the importance of knowing and walking with Christ on a daily basis

As often-exhausted parents, our quiet times of Bible reading and prayer may not happen at the same time each day (and they may be anything but quiet!), but our kids learn that knowing God is important when they see us make room for Him in our hearts and our daily schedules.

  • Makes us better parents

Sometimes our kids are too young to notice the time we spend with Jesus. Sometimes our focused time with Him happens while they’re asleep. Yet they are affected by God’s transforming work in us. As our hearts become more like His, we set the spiritual climate of our home and create an atmosphere where Jesus is welcome in every conversation and situation.

  • Teaches that life revolves around Christ

I was once shocked by a preacher’s statement that “Jesus does not want first priority in our lives.” He explained that instead of being the top item on a never-ending “to do list,” Jesus wants to be like the hub of a wheel—the central relationship from which all our other responsibilities flow, like spokes radiating from a central hub. Effective Christian parenting, like all of life, revolves around an ever-deepening love relationship with Christ.

Our friendship with God—it’s the legacy we leave our kids. How can you invest in this vital relationship today? {eoa}

Meredith Mills currently lives in the South with her family of five. She is passionate about sharing the relentless love of God and encouraging others to walk deeply with Him. She blogs at

This article originally appeared at

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