Prophetic Word: End-Times Remnant, Come Forth

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Marti Pieper

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day:

“The heavens are open, and the oil is pouring. It is pouring down upon My people for this last hour. For this last hour, you will need the refreshing of My Spirit. Your lamps must stay lit in this dark hour that is quickly coming upon you.

“And along with your lit lamps, you must have the extra oil to maintain the power of that light within you. The last great harvest is ready, but yet only a few are willing to harvest.

“I am calling upon the strength of My remnant in this dark hour to bring them, the lost, unto Me. Bring them swiftly onto Me, before they are lost for an eternity.

“With all boldness, take a stand for Me and My righteousness. This stance will cause tribulations to manifest all around you. But know, even through the tribulations, I am with you.

“I will never leave you, I am with you throughout all eternity. My oil longs to burn out all impurities within you. Allow My cleansing power to have its way with you.

“For out from this fiery cleansing comes forth the bride who is without spot or wrinkle. This is the day that I have made. And this day is for the refreshing of My people. Be filled and overflowing with the power of My Spirit.

“For this is the only way to move forward in these last days—in the power of My might. In your own strength, you cannot overcome the power of the Antichrist, but in My strength alone, I have made you an overcomer, a conqueror, more than a conqueror—created to win and overpower that enemy of old.

“The remnant, come forth—those who are willing to follow after Me and remain obedient to My commands, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” {eoa}

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic, The Healing Creed and Conquering the Spirit of Death. Visit her at

This article originally appeared at

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